Tuesday 15 June 2021


 “Which are you more terrified about - the COVID or the global warming?”
“I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. It’s hard to make up my mind. They’re both terrifying in different ways. It’s very exciting actually.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. One day I seem to be more frozen in fear about the COVID, but then I kind of come out of it and start to look on the bright side, but then I remember about the global warming and I go into a panic, and I realise how selfish I was to be just focused on the whole virus stuff. I mean I might die from the virus but our children might die from the global warming. So it’s hard to know. Like you say, they’re both terrifying in different ways.”
“The international terrorism stuff seems a long time ago now, doesn’t it?”
“And the Brexit thing as well.”
“And the Cold War.”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s a long time ago. But there’s always something else that comes along once one crisis that’s going to destroy us fades away.”
“That seems to be the way of it all right.”

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