Wednesday 21 October 2020


I have had many heated discussions in coffee houses about the University of Gottingen. Where in the hierarchy of organised and codified thought is its standing?

To be honest our discussions never really got anywhere.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Dostoevsky and Berdyaev


This just part one, the rest of the piece can be followed up on if interested. As it nears the end it has a focus on materialism and Judaism that I’m not sure how comfortable I am with, but still overall very interesting. And to add, Berdyaev has a very good book called ‘Dostoevsky: An Interpretation’ for anyone so interested.

Wednesday 7 October 2020

Temptation and Energy

 Just to very loosely sketch some thoughts on the nature of temptation involving to some degree anyway as a basis traditional religious framework. That temptation has its source in the entity of the fallen angel or devil. The purpose of the temptation from his point of view is that in succumbing to the temptation, we subsequently at least temporarily become lesser beings energetically. In terms of self-awareness this manifesting as shame. And tying in the scientific notion of the conservation of energy, the human who has fallen is as said depleted in his existential state as a spiritual/psychic energetic being, but also this energy has not simply disappeared but has gone somewhere, and that somewhere is to the energy field of the tempter.

However it’s not all bad news or one way traffic as the very act of tempting is itself an energetic act, the tempter is casting some of his energy field, like a fisherman with a bait, in the direction of the relevant person. The energy we’ll say is to be considered simply as energy rather than morally. So if the person feels the temptation - towards whatever makes of one a lesser being, on whatever scale of toxicity! - but steels himself and does not yield to it, then the temptation has actually resulted in the person absorbing that energy as a fuel, and the tempter is the lesser being energetically as a consequence.