Wednesday 31 March 2021

White Privilege

 It’s always a sad thing when self-righteous robots come undone.

And an interesting follow-up with the guy here David Webb. I’ve not exactly had my finger on the pulse, as this dates back a year and a half or so. One point to add is she agrees that she was insulting, but even here they are clearly at odds with the nature of the insult. For him the whole reduction to race is where the demeaning issue lies, but that is exactly what she is obviously intentionally doing, and so for her presumably the insult, which she agrees she has committed, lies in calling him white. Not just a natural human error but actually insulting, with the only sense to make from this is that being white is by definition shameful, and hence to be mistakenly called white is insulting. With the added irony that this probably originally emanates from the minds of white people ensconced within that bastion of ‘white privilege’ - academia. 
She is taking a supposed moral high-ground where she is by definition by skin colour a victim, while he refuses to be a victim, and very impressively responds in the second video that he is not interested in what is going on in other people’s minds, whether they have racist blinkers or not. This is not an avenue of empowerment for his life.

Tuesday 30 March 2021


There is power in a pen - who knows what may come out out of it? It’s full of kinetic energy. But of course nothing will come out of it unless someone picks it up and starts writing with it. You could talk all you like about kinetic energy and all the possible possibilities, but there it lies, dormant and useless. And what if someone does pick it up, but all that comes out is a stream of rubbish.  We would have been better off with our kinetic energy.
But if we want to receive some kind of inspiration and hopefully then exude it, we have to make some kind of moves in its incoming direction, if it is incoming. Otherwise it’s like we’ll say there’s these waters of inspiration pouring down from above, but you have an umbrella raised, and the waters all deflect off onto the ground, and you don’t get wet. Maybe just your shoes. And so all you have to exude is your own self-repeating self, and ever narrowing in upon itself. You might be praised though for your consistency which would be a consolation.
 “His vision is becoming more refined.”
“Yes, the superfluous is being cast off.”
“He’s just a dried up old bore.”
“What was that?!”
“Nothing. I was just muttering to myself.”

Anyway, you’ll be glad to know this was actually written initially with a pen, before becoming pared down a bit. There’s power in the old ways.

Sunday 28 March 2021


What an unusual painting, The Conversion of Saint Paul by Tintoretto from around 1545. I find it simultaneously hypnotic and very difficult to focus in and rest on any kind of central aspects to the painting. It’s like the selective intellectual, functional activity of the mind that tends to happen automatically is being somehow overridden but by an art that is itself of course extremely evolved on a intellectual, technical level.


“What is the greatest act of empowerment for anyone today?”
“To be a victim.”
“You mean not to be a victim?”
“No, no, individually or collectively, if you can show you’re a victim then you deserve to be championed, and therein lies great power.”
“Is that why the narcissist type who behaves appallingly, then afterwards plays the victim?”
“Yes, I suppose they understand the principle, but of course everything is open unfortunately to abuse, even this most beautiful of truths.”
“And of course there really are a great number of victims in the world of all kinds of abuse.”
“Yes, but we should also be careful about who we champion. Does that person serve a greater cause through their empowering, or are they just some nobody who isn’t worth endowing with this currency of victimhood, and whose endowing may even be harmful to the greater cause?”
“What greater cause?”
“The overcoming of oppression.”

Friday 26 March 2021

Why the Obsession with Race


Very interesting piece by Steve Turley around why the mainstream media and the Left in general are so obsessed with pushing essentially narratives of racial divide, white privilege, etc. Remember the whole driving mechanism of the left from its birth in the 19th century was towards the attainment of power, and which was justified by the overthrow of an oppressive status quo, whose existence wouldn’t have been that hard to point towards. So the Left needs the opposition to equate to oppression, and of course itself to equate to moral truth, otherwise it has no justification. They’re kind of like vampires, where narratives of oppression are the blood they feed from. This is their life-force, and if left to their own without an external target, they soon otherwise begin to be running on empty. Thus in Soviet Russia, when the more obviously ‘external’ enemies of the Communist state, such as the bourgeoisie, had been exhausted, Stalin and the Party then turned with great force inwards, to supposed enemies of the State from within state structures such as the Party itself, the  military, and even the Soviet secret police, the NKVD. This wasn’t simply a great contradiction of Marxist-Leninism by the opportunistic, dictatorial, and paranoid usurper Stalin, but was instead a continuation of the same logic. It’s just that the great need for the category of “Enemies of the People”, in other words, enemies of the State, now had to be satisfied from closer to home. Human sacrifices are required of this god. The Left needs to operate from a war footing, else it atrophies energetically.

This also is the meaning behind the focus and pushing of the gender, transgender stuff, etc of late: it is a narrative of oppression the left can focus on, and in reality with no concern or compassion for the people involved. This is not an in-the-moment response to a contemporary issue; instead it is precisely an ideological affair intentionally pushed to the forefront, fulfilling the need for narratives of oppressors to be vanquished and oppressed to be championed by the righteous. It as a broader issue is also an effort to loosen from within the force of resistance of conventional society to its own undermining by these righteous ones. It’s the method of taking down a fortress by attacking its foundations from beneath rather than via a frontal assault. If everything, from moral to even biological truths, are seemingly made relative, then what kind of certainty is left from where to judge anything? It’s a weakening of the immune system.

 The problem with such methods though is particularly when processes are sped up from a quite insidiously subtle pace to, as is happening now, an aggressively accelerated one, then to very many the discordant nature of all this supposed righteousness becomes unveiled, with for instance the pushing of males now transgendered to be declared females and then dominate at female sports, including ones like wrestling where the physical advantages are grotesquely obvious. Rather than a question of liberation from oppression, all this is obviously grossly unfair on female athletes. Just because you are a majority - such as females who are naturally females - doesn’t mean your rights are intrinsically irrelevant when pitted against a minority just because they’re a minority! That’s just some perverse parody of democracy where, regardless of the issue, the minority rather than the majority have the most moral clout.

And a broader thought, regardless of the ideological veneer of left, right or whatever, if you are a group united by a desire to lord it over others and oppress, and somehow, legally or illegally, you attain governmental authority, then as you enact the obnoxious policies to enforce this obnoxious inner reality, people start to really notice! To every action, it is said, there is an equal and opposite reaction; and then it becomes an issue of the nature of the reaction. 
Anyway, to put a halt to things, that’s enough!

Biden Declares Himself Oldest Human on Planet

I’m sure the deeply objective mainstream media have been pouncing on Joe Biden declaring he came to the US Senate 120 years ago, because they’re such hard-nosed predatory creatures. Imagine that - he’s been in the US Senate since 1901. No wonder he has dementia if he’s that old.
And to quote that other extract from the video: 
“I have never been particularly poor at calculating how to get things done in the United States Senate. So the best way to get something done if you, if it holds near and dear to you that you uh um like to be able to ... Anyway ...”

Powerful stuff. What an embarrassment for these collective frauds to have to pretend there is nothing to see here with this man - as I presume they’re in the main continuing to try to do. What an unimaginable farce. They deserve each other. Just to add, I just saw a YouTube comment that Biden gave the best speech of his 120 year senate career! And - not that it’s delivered with even a hint of humour - even if that can be explained as a wondrous witticism regarding oneself being around forever, a very ordinary sentence just collapsing in on itself in despair at finding a meaningful direction forwards isn’t a particularly good look. And neither is a desk full of prepared notes and answers to read from, as he was furnished with, in preparation for questions from a shamelessly obsequious media.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Paul VI Hall, the Vatican

 This below, with a pope seated in front of it, is a sculpture in the Paul VI Audience Hall in the Vatican, declared to be of the Resurrection of Jesus from the crater of a nuclear explosion. I’m not that sure where in Christian tradition or the Bible they felt the inspiration for such a theme, but anyway art is art, and beautiful and deep art in the service of the divine is of course deeply entwined in human history. However whatever about beautiful and deep art, this is I think one of the most vile, oppressive pieces of ‘art’ I think I’ve ever seen. To be honest my visceral inner response is that it is grotesque and repellant.

And another image of this scene:

And from further back in the hall:

“What do you think of it?”
“Emm ... Was this the effect you were hoping for?”
“What do you mean?”
“The kind of demonic serpent thing you’ve got going on there, with the Pope sat on his throne between the serpent’s fangs.”
“I can see where you’re coming from, now that you mention it, but no, we weren’t really aiming for that effect.”

The Roman Catholic Church would be by some enormous distance the greatest patrons of art in the history of Western civilisation, and have been renowned, though also criticised, for their expertise in the use of the power of image and ceremony. They’re not exactly coming from nowhere in terms of art, architecture and symbolism. I’m not sure how it’s remotely possible to benignly explain away this astonishingly sinister hall, constructed in 1971. And below, a close-up of Christ from the bizarre creepy sculpture, where if we shift our focus to the side of the head rather than at its face, it  looks decidedly serpent-like. And just in case there was felt to be not quite enough serpent imagery going on - not the most positive of creatures in Christian tradition - we see from outside architecturally it has a very unusual shape, which appears to resemble that of a snake’s head - if you tap on the image to see it closer up, the impression becomes much stronger.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Of the Moment

Overheard conversation:

“How many genders do you think there are?”
“How many genders? What are you talking about?”
“I’m asking you something very simple - how many genders do you think there are?”
“Is this some kind of trick question? There’s male and female.”
“Oh my God! I can’t believe you’re such a Nazi!!”
“What?! Have I missed something?! How many genders do you think there are?”
“What am I - your personal encyclopaedia?! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! I’m gonna get you banned from Twitter!”
“I’m not on Twitter.”
“Facebook so!”
“I’m not on that either.”

Monday 22 March 2021

Yeats, O’ Casey, Yeats


Men of Destiny By Jack B. Yeats in 1946. Funny how the man I presume is considered Ireland’s best known artist is far, far less known than his own brother, W.B. Yeats, to the point actually that there could never be any doubt as to who is meant by “Yeats” if ever mentioned but unspecified. Actually that brings to mind the video below of the dramatist Sean O’ Casey reminiscing about Yeats and a famous episode in Irish literary and social history, when there was uproar in the Abbey Theatre during the performance of O Casey’s play, The Plough and the Stars. This first couple of minutes with that anecdote is pure gold dust from that world. 

Sunday 21 March 2021


 “Someone told me you’ve gotten in heavy into radical politics.”
“Oh yeah, now is the time. I’m all in.”
“And is there some group you’re particularly with?”
“Well yeah, like I’m with Antifa and BLM and that kind of thing, but what we’ve found now is there’s strength in numbers, and so we’re teaming up with different similarly motivated groups to really fight the power.”
“What kind of groups? Underground stuff?”
“Oh yeah, people like Google, Facebook, Twitter, the EU, the World Economic Forum, the mainstream media, the Chinese Communist Party, the Vatican, Wall Street, Hollywood, the entertainment industry as a whole, much of the corporate world, the US Democrat Party and the current US government, most governments, the new-cons, the porn industry, the international bankers, the Federal Reserve, the United Nations, the pharmaceutical industry, the military industrial complex, radical Islam, various philanthropic billionaires, indoctrinating elements within the educational and academic worlds, human traffickers, sex traffickers, drugs traffickers, a variety of different terrorist organisations, Apple, Amazon and a few more other fringe groups also. Together we’ve found we can accomplish more in the fight for liberty than if we’re all hidden away in the shadows, isolated in our separate underground lairs.”
“Sounds exciting. You know though the odds are stacked against you?”
“Oh yeah, we’re under no illusions of what we’re up against, but that’s radical politics for you.”

I was tempted to add: 

“And who or what would you say is the power you’re mainly up against?”
“I’d say that would be God.”

... but I chickened out. It does balance the scales up a bit though.

The Gloomy Day (Early Spring)


By Pieter Bruegel in 1565.

Weirder Than We Thought


Things it seems may be even more fake about this US presidency than imagined. The comment on YouTube that stands out is “Well they said he was going to be more transparent.” Others pointing out the total lack of secret service agents or anyone else as Joe wanders down the road completely alone to the land of happily bobbing furry mic’s.
Actually this brings to mind the novel Babylon by Victor Pelevin from probably the late 1990s, which, to a fantastical degree, goes heavily into such political unreality, CGI, etc.

Saturday 20 March 2021

Father Jailed For Wanting His Daughter to Remain His Daughter

Imagine, this isn’t parody, and I think the language of “slippery slope” used by Michael Knowles is actually much too mild. So basically people embedded within and presumably at one with the ethos of the Canadian state - educational, medical, judicial - all contrive to tempt this 14 year old girl to “become a boy;” and the father is jailed for not wishing to let his girl not to go down this drastic, and you could certainly argue, extremely unhinged path of massively interfering with her natural bodily development. What a nightmare. Kafka begins to look tame with his visions.

Friday 19 March 2021


This I thought was excellent. I had to look up the word cishet, and it means “an abbreviation of cisgendered or cissexual heterosexual: a person that identifies as the sex they were born as, and are attracted to people of the sex opposite of theirs, who are also usually cisgendered or cissexual.” 

So cisgendered is a word for people who identify as being of their own born physical body. That seems to equate to, for example, having a word to describe an elephant who identifies as being an elephant rather than some other creature. It would I’m sure be an act of great kindness, rather than say fostering confusion, to offer procedures for such an elephant to actually become this other animal they identify as, you know, through cutting off bits and pieces, administering certain drugs and so on, and so then this ‘elephant’ who doesn’t identify as an elephant, truly could become, or at least feel convinced they are, for example, a zebra. It might then, as a follow-on, be helpful to have a word for a zebra who was born as a zebra and who identifies as a zebra, to help distinguish it from the zebra who was born an elephant. 
To add, it is not implied that the born zebra should feel shame at his or her conventionality in remaining trapped in the body it was born as. If the zebra is content, through for example social conditioning, to continue to identify as a zebra, then who are we to judge?

Joe Is On Fire!

Watch Joe fly up these stairs, making a mockery of claims of being in decline. Who’s laughing now, you idiots?! Run for cover enemies of the free world. This man is on a mission. 
Just to add some personal commentary: I particularly admire the confident solemnity of the salute from the top of the stairs after the elegant ascension.

Definitely Does Not Have Dementia

As I wrote yesterday, some highly disciplined fact checking made clear Joe Biden, the most popular US president ever, does not have dementia. Since then we see him below referring to Kamala Harris as President Harris. An easy mistake to make. You are the president, why should you be the only one, that would be egotistical, and so out comes the wrong words following on from this very natural thought process. And anyway why shouldn’t a woman of colour be the president? She has feelings too. If you prick her, does she not bleed?
So summing up, Biden still doesn’t have dementia.

Thursday 18 March 2021

More Fact Checking

 “I hear you’re getting big into the fact checking lately.”
“I am yeah. It gives me something to do and I get a buzz off it.”
“Can you give me an example of some of it?”
“I can yeah. One example is I kept hearing Joe Biden has dementia, so I looked into it but it turns out even though it often looks like he has dementia, he’s really just a complete idiot.”
“That’s funny cos I did think he had dementia all right. It sometimes look like he can hardly read the autocue and speak, never mind think. But you’re saying there’s nothing to worry about?”
“No. He’s just thick as the wall.”
“And that’s why he never gives proper press conferences?”
“Yeah, it’s nothing to do with dementia. He’s just too stupid to answer unscripted questions so it would just be a waste of everyone’s time.”

The Flu

 “It’s wonderful news about the flu, isn’t it?”
“It is yeah. I heard it’s been wiped out.”
“Amazing yeah. Completely wiped out. After thousands of years, gone, just like that! And the flu can be very serious - so many people die from it every year.”
“But it was part of our culture. You’d miss it all the same. Imagine this year in Ireland, not a single recorded case of the flu. Absolutely unbelievable.”
“Yeah, it’s completely unbelievable. If only we’d always been doing these lockdowns, we could have wiped it out decades ago. After all, misery is a small price to pay for being safe. But I still can hardly believe it’s gone. Unbelievable.”
“It is, isn’t it. It’s unbelievable.”
“Yeah, you couldn’t believe it. I heard someone say they just started calling all the flu cases something else, but I wouldn’t believe that.”
“No, that’s unbelievable.”

* That above about not a single recorded case of the flu in Ireland sounded all a bit unbelievable to me so I fact checked it, and, unbelievably, it turned out to be true, at least anyway back in the height of flu season in December: 
I’m not sure if I’m really qualified to do this fact checking stuff, but I have to admit it does really give you an adrenaline rush. I can see why it’s caught on so much - unlike sadly the flu.

** I’ve a feeling the author of the above isn’t claiming there to be no Covid, but that he or she finds the total disappearance of the flu to be unbelievable.

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Grammys and Social Liberation

I’ve never had the minutest interest in the Grammy musical awards, and my impression from afar was it embodied mainstream sanctioned corporate blandness. I presume it’s always had its niche in American tv life as encompassing very much a family audience. I still have zero interest in case you’re wondering, but interesting to see, having heard it mentioned in internet land over the last day or so, how the mainstream media, whatever specific tv network, were happy to aim at the family audience this time. 
In the first video below we see BLM encouraging hatred for the state, and I don’t see how you could interpret it as anything but a call to or threat of violence and insurrection. This by the way after the US President was impeached after saying absolutely nothing to incite violent insurrection. Here though it seems to be fine, given a platform, encouraged.

And the second video, again with its traditional family audience expected to be on the other end of the screen, amounts to basically porn with some bits of clothes. To add, I presume it’s only bigotry and oppression that forced these musical ladies to have to wear the bits of clothes. Fight the power. To add, the children’s books Dr Seuss are now being blacklisted because of claimed racial stereotypes, but presumably seeing these women in the guise of musicians perform their entertainment role as nothing but sex-objects is for their little minds fine. No harmful stereotyping there.

Imagine trying to construct some cohesive sense of reality from watching such mainstream shows as this now. What is the consistent message or unifying vision? And it might even be the right thing to consider that there is a unifying vision, which is basically the undermining of any kind of conventional society by these crazy extreme fragments from the most disordered imagination, beamed out across the airwaves. And remember this edition from the Grammys is still arising from the same mainstream power structures as previously; it’s just that this is now what corporate blandness amounts to.

Monday 15 March 2021


 You’ll be glad to know it feels like spring has finally arrived in Ireland today. About time, says you. You could be a bit more gracious but I understand the sentiment. Still we live in the present, and yesterday’s weather - cold, bitterness, endless rain, whatever - has no hold over us now. “It’s easy for you to say that. We’re the ones who had to live through it. We’re not going to forget about it that easy.” Maybe I should revise that last claim about the past losing its grip on us once it becomes the past. We are creatures after all of history, and I suppose we don’t need to pretend things didn’t happen, but at the same time you have to be free to move with the current also, into the present and beyond. And so we must remember ... no, I can’t keep going in that vein, and as fast I presume as I lose interest in writing such edifying stuff the reader is probably also losing interest in reading it. And I wouldn’t blame him. Or her.
No, no, we’re not going bowing to banality here, assuming each other’s mutual stupidity and working upwards from there, laboriously. We should instead, free beings as we are, be enjoying this warm, lovely spring day - and without some stupid mask on our faces trapping all our exhaled bad breath which we then have to breathe back in - for reasons of health. I’ve spoilt things again by wading back into controversial waters. If I don’t watch myself the spring will vanish out of lack of appreciation and we’ll be back into winter. Time instead for fresh air, coffee, book, birds, warmth - or at at least mildness - and the rising waters of liberty.

Sunday 14 March 2021

Celebrating Three Strong Women

 I can’t say I’m too invested in this storyline but I thought this was well worth a viewing.

Saturday 13 March 2021

Which One

 “Would you prefer to be a man or a woman or a man who becomes a woman or a woman who becomes a man?”
“I dunno. I’ll have to think about that. It’s a good question.”


[This is something I wrote years ago and, whatever it’s about, I just had another look at and touched it up a bit.]

There was a table, around which people and upon which a tablecloth, and atop this again cups, saucers, plates, glasses, milk-jugs, tea-pots, spoons, knives, forks and so on, you get the picture. On and on they eat and drink. Is anything ever put away? Stacks and stacks of stuff mounting up. What a mess. "Look, this is getting ridiculous. It can't go on. We'll have to do something." "Getting ridiculous? We’re long past that stage." "Any ideas?" "Well, we could try putting the used stuff away, washing them, and give the tablecloth a wash while we're at it." This tablecloth by the way was in a desperate state, stains everywhere. It was hard to even know where the stains ended and the cloth began, so to speak. But this thought of clearing things away didn’t meet with much enthusiasm, none in fact, and what it did meet with was awkward silence, sullen looks, guilty looks, dirty looks, people looking at their hands, a general sense even perhaps of shame. But then someone piped up, "We could just keep going as we are!" And this idea met with an all but explosive release of joy - out of all proportion you might have thought with its merit as an idea.

And so they made themselves comfortable, and on they went. Tea was served, sandwiches, cake, more and more of everything - on fresh cups, plates, et cetera. And so the stacks continued to pile up, and from the ever more urgent clamour for space whole piles of the stuff toppling and crashing to the by now scandalous floor. Not pleasant but they did their best to ignore these moments of chaos, and so frequent were those moments that they almost in truth did become unnoticed. But not quite, and it all evidently suddenly got too all much for one of them who let out a great animal roar, jumped to his feet, and pulled the tablecloth with all his might. And so everything went flying. There were screams, terror, chaos, tea flying everywhere- on clothes, walls, the floor, people. And then shocked silence. But then ... they started laughing! "Ah, that's it! Why didn't we think of it before? We can make a clean slate of it!" "But will we give the tablecloth a wash though first?" "No need; just put it back. It's fine as it is." And so on they went, delighted with themselves.

Friday 12 March 2021

Fact Check

 “What do you think of those Fact Check posts you see littering the internet nowadays from that Fact Check crowd, wherever they sprung up from?”
“They’re doing great work for the kingdom of reality.”
“You don’t think they might be a disingenuous bunch of arseholes?”
“No, they’re completely objective, and only interested in furthering knowledge.”
“How come you have so much faith in them?”
“Because I fact checked them, and that’s what I found out.”
“And what’s their motivation?”
“They’re just ordinary people who are policing reality so that we don’t end up accidentally believing things to be facts that aren’t.”
“But why do they give a shit?!”
“That’s just the kind of people they are. And it’s also their hobby - they love checking facts.”
“Have they any particular interest in us believing or not believing in certain kinds of facts.”
“No, no, just all kinds of facts.”
“So there’s no agenda?”
“No, there’s no agenda.”

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Paul Klee and Twitter

However this thought suddenly struck me but this artwork by Paul Klee in 1922 came to mind as somehow embodying the future essence of the platform Twitter. The image in itself of course is what counts here, but to add its title is Die Zwitscher-Maschine or The Twittering Machine - and so now it mightn’t be too far-fetched to say we are in the realms of the prophetic. 
Obviously sane people can hypothetically use Twitter, but still, if distilled to its true essence, and those genuinely not of this essence removed, purged, remove themselves, whatever, then said essence is perfectly embodied by Klee’s playful but yet perhaps ... emm ... somewhat terrifying image. 

Tuesday 9 March 2021


There was this man, and he wasn’t too bright to begin with, but then he got dementia, but people pretended not to notice, and then he became, in spite of everything, apparently, somehow, allegedly, president of the United States. 
It’s wonderful what you can achieve when you lose your mind.

Good Citizen

“How much of the world’s crap are you willing to believe?”
“I’m willing to believe all of it.”

Realism, Rembrandt

 The Good Samaritan by Rembrandt from 1633. Rembrandt one of the great realists in all the arts. Look here to the front right of the picture and see what the dog is straining to obviously do - and this is a very serious rendering of one of Jesus’ famous parables! And this inclusion of the dog relieving itself is not some act of sarcastic subversion. It is that Rembrandt does not, and to a very striking degree, wish to castrate reality. Also to add there are or course depths within reality, and so Andy Warhol could present a realistic image of a tin can, but this doesn’t mean we are exactly diving deep. One could across the various art forms be considered a realist whilst remaining on the very surface and perhaps uninteresting level of things. In the sense of Rembrandt I suppose realism is here breadth of vision united with depth of vision, whilst the more common notion of it might be little beyond painstaking attention to plausible details, though with little depth to the vision. 
One other thing to add is that a common notion of realism would be to set limits, and generally quite mundane limits, to reality, but these limits may be quite imaginary even if they have the apparent weight of being apparently collectively believed.
And below also by Rembrandt, whilst not necessarily implying it relates to the theme of realism, is The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds.

Monday 8 March 2021


 Someone called on a friend with a very expensive bottle of the most wonderful red wine. His friend produced a couple of filthy wine glasses, rubbed his hands, and said Pour away! After an awkward brief pause the visitor unexpectedly got up and said Sorry no, I’ve got to go - and away he went and took his wine with him. The friend, a little perplexed, shrugged and got up and grabbed some cheap bottle from somewhere and poured from that out into his dirty glass instead.

Friday 5 March 2021

If I Didn’t

If I didn’t write this, someone else would have to.
Why would they have to? I don’t know, maybe they wouldn’t. ... But I should at least I suppose have the decency to make some kind of argument in favour of the claim, especially seeing as I was the one to have made it in the first place. It’s hardly fair to abandon it just like that. 
It is for some fateful reason too important a line not to be written, and so this is why in the event of its absence, not for whatever reasons having found an author in myself, someone else would have to step in and actualise the line. And then having done so, actualised it, the future, now inclusive of that line, could proceed. A key has been turned in the lock of being.
I’m not sure how much I’d go along with any of that but I did in fairness have to come up with something. But surely, you might say, I could have come up with something a bit more humble. 

Thursday 4 March 2021

The Guardian on George Soros

 Here is an editorial article by The Guardian newspaper in praise, nay unashamed adoration of George Soros, a man with huge influence and importance in socio-political and economic matters on a global scale.
 I did an earlier post on him after watching an interview on YouTube and so we are not reliant on others’ opinions on the man but instead hear directly from him.

The video talks of how he sees cracks in a nation’s economy as a weakness to exploit for enormous financial gain. The consequences, sometime huge, in terms of human suffering as a result of perhaps grievous damage inflicted on even entire nations’ economies, he doesn’t regard as of any concern of his. He evidently doesn’t have to do any compartmentalising of his inner world to shut off feelings of uneasiness or guilt as he simply doesn’t experience such empathic emotions. So this it seems is a sociopath in the purest, most undistilled form.
And this is how The Guardian chooses to describe Soros’ accumulation of vast wealth:

“There are other philanthropist billionaires. But most of them inherited their money. Mr Soros made his by the careful study and exploitation of human irrationality. Then he decided to spend the fruits of his labour on making the world a slightly less irrational place.”

So The Guardian, with its assumed concern for the plight of ordinary people, sums up the enormous suffering Soros is perfectly willing to inflict on huge numbers of people through his playing the markets as a kind of game as “the exploitation of human irrationality.” What is meant here is that people like Soros are seeking financial prey, and weaknesses in the chosen prey or economy’s self-defence is its “irrationality” which he has carefully studied and now mercilessly exploits. So such naked disdain for others’ lives is actually something to be celebrated. It is a culling of the weak, or “irrational.” Again the logic of the sociopath.

In that video interview Soros accepts, and with no apparent sense of shame or guilt, that he as a teenager in WW2 very actively profiteered at the expense of fellow Jews sent to concentration camps. Their loss was an opening for him to exploit for personal gain, which seems a central theme of his life.  He says someone else would certainly have profited from the opportunities on offer if he hadn’t been swiftly stepping in, so that’s the moral issue taken care of. We also hear him describe this period as the happiest, most exhilarating time of his life. Here is how The Guardian’s editor alludes to Soros’ Jewish background - though Soros himself professes to be an atheist:

“Mr Soros has for years been the target of organised hate campaigns, often coloured with antisemitism.”

So firstly his enemies are tainted with anti-semitism. I wonder if his enemies were known to have profiteered at the expense of Jews sent to concentration camps, how they would be here described. It doesn’t take much imagination to flesh out the picture. Then, again alluding to Soros’ vile actions in WW2, the editorial gloriously climaxes with: 

“The danger and insecurity of his adolescence as a secret Jew in Nazi-occupied Budapest seems to have given him a lasting sympathy for the outsider and the underdog. It also makes utterly unforgiveable the recruitment of antisemitic tropes in the attacks on his policies and his ideas.”

What utterly dishonest propagandist garbage, and remember with a figure like Soros with his huge influence on bodies like the EU, this goes to the very ideological core of The Guardian newspaper - and Soros, to add, has found a very welcoming platform to pen some of his own articles within that newspaper. Also to again reference Dostoevsky’s line of how “With us Socialism mostly spreads through sentimentality,” and so the usual tactic of if at all possible - and they do always seem to find it possible - to triumph in an argument by shifting it from the intellectual level to the emotive, and so in here to the aid of Soros and the agenda comes the helpful accusation of anti-semitism. More usually of late it is “white supremacism” that tends to be the tool of choice.
I’m almost ashamed to even paste and subject to your eyes these earlier words from the editorial but anyway:

The spectacle of a really effective philanthropist will always arouse indignation and envy as well as admiration, because the example they set is a slightly shaming one. Beyond that, the particular direction of Mr Soros’s philanthropy implies that his opponents are unreasonable as well as wrong. Naturally this is resented.”

Soros, to mention, is not permitted entry to his native country of Hungary, as he is considered a very dangerous enemy to the state - and thus his fellow Hungarians, who I’m sure he loves deeply, are sadly deprived of all his endless philanthropy. This of course to The Guardian, the BBC, etc implies only the very worst of things for that country. Soros and his organisations have also been banned from Russia, and you can also see an article penned by Soros “Europe Must Stand up to Poland and Hungary.” Interesting how these various countries with the most direct and prolonged experience of living under left-wing totalitarian rule are so averse to the influence of this kindly billionaire. This is what is implied by Soros’ “philanthropy”and “charity”: the directing of massive amounts of money into various channels towards the furthering of a specific sociopathic vision ... sorry I of course meant socio-political vision. Anyway you can acquire the most willing accomplices within these various channels - for instance media, political, educational, even judicial - when, let’s be crude, you have at your disposal vast sums of money to send flowing freely down those channels.

One other point to add, Fox News would of course be seen as the dreadful right-wing enemy of the ethical left as  embodied by The Guardian, but in an earlier post on Soros was seen how Fox’s presenters refused their very well-known interviewee Newt Gingrich permission to talk about Soros when he attempted to raise the issue of his insidious actions and influence in the US. He as a subject was simply off-limits as to what could be talked about.

*Apologies for the changes in font size through this piece, however they came about, and whose technical correction I’m afraid is beyond me!

Own Nothing

 “You know what I’d really like?”
“To own nothing and be happy.”
“Well you’re in luck. There’s people out there promising us just that if we follow them. They call it The Great Reset.”
“Wow, this is exciting. And they’re able to show how they own nothing themselves and yet are happy?This is fantastic.”
“Well no, they don’t exactly own nothing themselves. These people telling us about this tend to be kind of fabulously wealthy, so it’s more about us than them owning nothing.”
“Right. But they will give up all their wealth when the time is right so we’re all in this together?”
“I don’t think so, no. Again I think it’s more about us owning nothing than them owning nothing. They’ve just come up with the idea. We’re more the ones who’ll carry it out.”
“Right. Right. Something about that, I have to admit, makes me slightly uneasy. I can’t put my finger on it though and it’s probably nothing to worry about, whatever it is. And anyway they do say we’ll be happy.”
“Yes, that’s the main thing.”

Tuesday 2 March 2021


By Picasso in 1935.

Trump on the Equality Act & Women’s Sports


Just a couple of minutes where Trump spoke about the Equality Act and specifically its effect on women’s sports. Beyond just this issue clips such as this show how Trump was exactly the kind of person who had to appear for this time. The ferocity and power of the people and institutions he and the rest of us are up against means a well-spoken, pleasant JFK type character would not be appropriate. Even a Martin Luther King would probably be too civilised and decent, if you understand what I’m meaning. The kind of person for the hour had to be an extraordinarily thick-skinned, even ruffian type, who knowing full well the arena he was entering - the endlessness of that world’s power, its total ruthlessness if threatened, its absolute  lack of moral integrity and restraint, its hold over the media and over political institutions worldwide, etc - and yet he would still not back down but go head-on into the fray. Think of how most people would respond to the endless attacks he has faced, including the very recent second impeachment, how shaken and cowed they would be and yet here is how he comes back out. Like him or not, that undaunted warrior spirit is astonishing, and of course that kind of energy cannot but awaken similar energies in others as a consequence.