Friday 30 April 2021



By Nicolas de Stael from 1944.

Thursday 29 April 2021

Original Sin, Modern Guilt

It would be very easy to pick any number of examples to display the flood of this inane ideological outpouring, but this presented itself to me this morning on YouTube about schoolboys being shamed in school by some toxic state official in Australia for being white, Christians and boys; and so that’s the one I’ll go with, and which was anyway the spur for writing whatever is below

If you are white and male you should be ashamed of yourself. Unless that is, that you are already ashamed of yourself. In that case, having embraced your guilt, you are thereby partly and perhaps even wholly cleansed of it. You can now move onto focusing on everyone relevant else’s guilt. 
But if you are male and white, how does accepting one’s guilt make one less male and white, and so intrinsically guilty? Well, with one’s preaching of this guilt to the damned hordes, you are displaying yourself to be a member of the priestly ideological class, and perhaps within this select few lies salvation. 

One logical offshoot of this doctrine of the original sin of being white and male: if such a person transgenders to ‘become female,’ they presumably then become purified of a considerable amount of their guilt. 

I’ll try to make this brief but all this progressive Marxist related doctrine that is pouring itself out from the mouths of the indoctrinated just struck me as reminiscent of Calvinism, which is itself a vision of Christianity filtered through the mind of a paranoid sociopath. The first key point of Calvinism is that all humanity is guilty of Total Depravity. Nothing you can do can change this, even, within this supposedly Christian religion, accepting fully Jesus as your saviour. However God has predestined a select few to salvation, and the rest unfortunately are pre-selected to eternal damnation. A psychotic creator! Behaving morally may indicate you are one of the saved, but it doesn’t have the power to effect your salvation. If you’re damned, you’re damned! 

So akin to the select few are the obedient followers of our modern progressivism, and whose ideologically sound and obedient behaviour suggests their salvation. They have completely sacrificed any individuality, and instead signed up in full to the unfolding doctrine. As that doctrine, as we see, becomes inevitably more and more extreme, those whose sense of individuality and conscience thankfully asserts itself begin to fall by the wayside, and the core group becomes more and more ‘puritan’. Collectively so, with this sifting process, there becomes less and less conscience left within the movement to resist the flow of its inner logic.

There’s no need to go deep into it, but progressive ideology is very much tied in with materialistic atheism, as clearly displayed in the state ideologies of nations that became overtly communist such as Russia and China. And this ideology especially began to be expounded in various formulations through the 19th century. And by whom? Naturally very much white male intellectuals, and whose breeding ground would naturally be the academic worlds. Of course with the emancipation of women, the makeup of that world has been altered considerably, but we’re still essentially talking about the same intellectual atmosphere or environment, and the same point goes for its ethnic make-up.

Remember there is no great cohesion or consistency with this materialist philosophy. So for example it denies the spiritual aspect to life, and ultimately this leads to the non-existence of good and evil - which at times some of its more advanced proponents will freely admit and very much even celebrate. So if there is no good, then how can their ideology or anything else be good? Or for that matter, how can anything be bad? Utilitarianism is an example of the grey, feeble attempts that arise in trying to paper over these unsettling cracks. 
Or they will even argue that there is no intellectual truth either. It is racist oppression or whatever! But if there is no truth, how can they be proclaiming this to be true? It all simply amounts to a parody of thought. So, as a whole, as a natural outpouring of its false self, all truth starts to fall apart. It is truthless, and proclaims truthlessness.

So anyway, allowing for all this garbled inconsistency, white males are guilty by virtue of their existence, which equates to Calvin’s Total Depravity. This doctrine will naturally and easily extend beyond those white male confines to all persons being guilty by virtue of being human - and for example within certain environmentalist camps, because of obvious truths of things like pollution, that very self-hating view of mankind being a noxious parasite upon existence has long been proclaimed by many. If only we didn’t exist! So just as with Calvin, it is quite easy to show evidence of our sinning through time, and this pointing towards wrongful behaviour then spins out of control to become a doctrine of absolute, unatonable guilt.

 But despite everything, some are predestined to salvation! And by being of the ideologically correct  class, one can show that one is comparably free of this guilt, even if one is white and male. It doesn’t logically follow but remember this doesn’t all have to make sense! It just has to have some kind of veneer of being logical that will firstly convince these ‘priests,’ and who then successfully indoctrinate others of their and their culture’s innate inner shame. And finally to mention that in Christianity I think one of the names for the devil is the Accuser. And the very essence of all this ideology is to accuse us of being guilty. We should feel ashamed of our existence. And these don’t even have to be our own crimes. We are generationally cursed for certain predecessors’ actions. And as in the video above, especially so if one is not just white and male but Christian also. For whatever reasons, this adds something specific and special to the accusation.

If I’d known how out of hand this piece would all get, I’d not have started it! I only wanted to write a few short lines. I’m sure it’s all a bit messy and repetitive but I am one of the guilty after all! Naturally this fills me with a deep and sincere sense of shame.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

A Pile

 A pile of sticks cut presumably of course from some tree, gathered together, drying up in the sun, a great big pile of them, impressive, even imposing. But so dried up did they get that when someone dropped a lit match amongst them, accidentally or intentionally, who knows, a spark caught and up in flames went the sticks in no time at all. The flames were impressive while they lasted, but, for all the size of the pile, they didn’t last long. The smoke blackening the sky could be seen from far off, people probably wondered what was going on, but that didn’t last too long either. To add, the flames spread to a nearby tree, maybe even the source of all the sticks, but though it too was blazing for a while, it survived the fire and recovered fine. In time the only visible memory of the fire was the tree’s blackened lower bark.

Tuesday 27 April 2021


In the interests of diversity and maybe some other stuff as well, climate change or something, I am identifying as an extremely tedious Marxist historian of indeterminate race and gender whilst writing this. I would give all for the struggle. My guilty pleasure is Hollywood blockbusters involving masks and tights.

Monday 26 April 2021

My Greatest Fear

My greatest fear is that I would accidentally offend someone. There could be nothing more terrible than that - and for that reason a vow of silence holds great appeal. Perhaps that’s what makes the wearing of masks so wonderful. Besides helping us to avoid spreading whatever at the biological level, it subliminally works as a reminder to shut ourselves up vocally also, and so not carelessly spread contagion at the intellectual level. Masks forever!

Nero Reassessed - a Liberal Icon

Nero, the Roman emperor, hasn’t traditionally had the greatest of reputations, instead tending to be described in terms such as depraved, tyrannical and so on. He had for instance his own mother murdered, whilst it was claimed he was responsible for the Great Fire of Rome so as to clear that area for his own planned palatial complex. He then blamed Christians for the fire and had these scapegoats burned alive, fed to wild beasts or crucified. 

In 67 AD he competed in the Olympics, and had artistic events such as singing added to the athletic competitions. He must have been truly a remarkable man as he won every single event in which he competed, including a 10 horse chariot race in which he was thrown from his chariot and left the race. He was nonetheless awarded victory on the basis that if he had completed the race he would have won. Some might question the validity and integrity of such a victory but then again we weren’t there. He won the singing contest despite apparently being a terrible singer, which shows what you can achieve if you truly put your mind to it.

But anyway here comes the bit that suggests Nero may be due to be reassessed and championed as a progressive, liberal icon. In 65 AD Nero’s wife Poppaea died, because, it was claimed, he kicked her to death before she could have her second child. Shortly afterwards he then took a great liking to a young boy called Sporus, who was considered to greatly resemble Poppaea. Nero had Sporus castrated, “tried to make a woman out of him,” and then married him. Sporus would then appear in public as Nero’s wife wearing clothing traditional for Roman empresses. Now if all that doesn’t resonate with the cutting edge of the present, I don’t know what does.

Given all this, it is genuinely surprising how slow modern progressivism has been to claim and embrace Nero as a hero of the movement, and also how far from new certain things are. It’s also suggestive, in its repetition of themes, of how history and time may in their unfolding be more cyclical than linear - though whether this deep connection to, and interweaving with, the distant past is uplifting or rather perhaps shameful might admittedly be a bit problematic to the progressive movement. Aren’t we supposed to be akin to something like a train racing onwards and uncoupling itself from these carriages of the past, full as they are of bigotry and oppression, and for which somebody better pay reparations? 

Finally to add to the liberal portrait: historians of the time such as Seutonius claimed Nero had incestuous relations with his mother Aggripina. Truly nothing was sacred - which again is to be celebrated. Admittedly he did later have her killed, but then every family has their issues.

Sunday 25 April 2021


“If you could be anyone when you grow up who would you like to be.”
“A billionaire philanthropist.”
“Why would you want to be one of them?! They’re right freaks.”
“I think they’re amazing.”

Friday 23 April 2021


If you have a garden but you don’t weed it, what will happen? Up come the weeds. You might though be tempted to think the weeds are nice too, they have their own right to be there, it would be a shame to pull them up - though whether that’s really from your warm heart or just laziness is up to you. But anyway, either way, if you don’t watch out they’ll end up taking over, growing everywhere, choking the other plants, and so on until it probably ends up hard to know which are the good plants and which the weeds. It becomes such a bewildering mess you either just give up on it altogether, or finally maybe in a fit of madness you attack the garden and just pull up everything so you can start all over. 
You’re better off in fairness just doing the weeding.

Thursday 22 April 2021

Fantastic Vision

 By Goya from around 1820.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Who the Hell is Bill Gates?

Here are a few clips of Bill Gates from the 1998 Netscape antitrust lawsuit deposition involving his company Microsoft. I’d certainly recommend watching these short clips above first if you haven’t done so yet.
In relation to what we see here of Gates’ behaviour is a YouTube comment which feels pretty relevant: “This is what happens when a narcissist sociopath is called on the carpet. They disassociate and play incompetent to avoid their true self from being revealed. He’s an empty vessel, an emotional ghost.” 

I think we don’t have to be shy here in accepting Gates here appears genuinely bizarre, and pretty far removed from ‘normal’ human responses. Without having to delve too deep into the psychopathology of narcissism and such types, there is the view that in the genuine sense of narcissist personality disorder this person has at their core no longer any true self, from which they have split due generally to some intense trauma. There is now only the facade, an illusion of a coherent self. The narcissist’s greatest fear is exposure for who they are, and if under significant pressure things can really fall apart as there is no solid being underneath to fall back on. The crumbling of the edifice is I believe known as narcissistic collapse, which seems very much what we are witnessing with such footage of Gates.

 In terms of the substance of someone coming to the fore when under pressure, one could look at for example videos of Vladimir Putin facing very hostile Western interviewers and, regardless of how pure or not he may be morally, we see very strong, impressive responses. By contrast we see Gates appear to be an utterly hopeless, malfunctioning shell of a man, rocking back and forth with no thought for how disturbed and weak this appears, or in the third clip to a simple question bizarrely sitting there in silence for 30 seconds before coming up with the response, “In the sense that users select which browsers they want to use, yes.” This is how simple the question was.

The nature of the normal interview where Bill Gates appears to the public would, in terms of its psychological dynamic, be of an obsequious interviewer asking questions of Gates who is very much speaking down from his accepted authority. There is no threat to the public persona, and rather it is more likely being exalted, which is the very lifeblood of the narcissist. So there is none of the pressure necessary to reveal what may lie underneath the public performance. In the footage here though,  he was subject to serious investigation for whichever business practices, and you can see for yourself, what we see is shocking. And the idea that this man has huge say and power over things like vaccines is simply appalling, and the idea of accepting him at face value as a benevolent philanthropist is just laughable. YouTube comments from the videos such as “Looks like a serial killer” seem not unfair, or “And this is the guy people are hailing as some kind of Saint or Messiah?! Wow.” 

And to add, one of the deepest traits of the pure narcissist is a total lack of empathy. They are disassociated from such feelings to a shocking degree. Gates is someone saying he hopes vaccines will help reduce the world’s population by 10 to 15%. And in the final video below, look a minute into it how he and his wife slip into the most creepy, inappropriate smiles after Gates says, “Prepare for the next one(the next COVID wave presumably). That will get attention this time.”

Tuesday 20 April 2021

Good and Evil

I’ll try to make this as brief as possible, though the subject is probably going to end up getting away from me.
Within us are obvious biological drives - to eat and reproduce being the most essential to survival. Beyond this though are also innate aspects to us like the instinct to the creation of language. We are collectively whether as a particular people or as individual within infancy, with this language instinct, drawn towards intellectual engagement with reality, and the very sense of self changes with this engagement. As a natural extension of this engagement is the creation and appreciation of art, particularly story-telling art, in words but also pictorially. 
Another intrinsic aspect is in many areas the desire for sensual pleasure. This quite clearly can extend far beyond simply questions of crude biological necessity. So love of food for example can go well beyond simply the nutritional and energetic side of things into the sensual pleasure aspect.

Also at our core is the sense of good and evil, and desire for good to be victorious. Within the story-telling nature this battle of good versus evil from earliest times is probably the most vital common aspect of our stories. Within the Book of Genesis it takes very little time before it enters, with man tempted by an evil force, and folklores all around the world operate within this dynamic. This sense of good versus evil is so powerfully within us that it is very easily embedded into situations not worthy of such a dichotomy. It is very tempting for things to be so clear cut. It’s very easy for example for Hollywood to wallow in satisfying this inner world, and preferably amidst much violence and excitement so the adrenaline highs go along with the visible victory of good over horrible evil. People will also very willingly view sports rivalries in this light, where say one’s hometown is good, and one’s nearby hated rival is evil. It makes things far more interesting! Or in politics where the existing regime is considered corrupt, which is generally true to whatever degree, then the rival force - who may in truth be very much of the same group who have been in power - is often able to ride in satisfying the desire for things to apparently conform to the reality of good versus evil. Barack Obama and a few years earlier Tony Blair were placed within this euphoric scenario to embarrassing and very successful degrees.

That the wish for things to equate to good versus evil can be so easily perverted and manipulated though shouldn’t lead to cynicism about the very existence of this moral and spiritual truth as intrinsic to reality. And this is probably the core of cynicism - having misplaced this desire for the good in unworthy causes or people, and then inner faith in good being poisoned as a result of viewing one’s ideal be revealed to be false. I remember someone describing Othello’s descent into utter despair wasn’t a result of his jealousy but because Iago convinced him and seemingly but falsely proved to him that his ideal, Desdemona, was in truth perverse. The shift of the loved ideal from outright good to perverted evil was too much to bear, so powerful is that instinct for the good embedded within us, and so Othello disintegrated along with his ideal.

I can’t even remember quite why I began this piece, and it’s certainly gone far beyond the neat parameters I’d hoped it might be contained in! So anyway I’ll finish it here for now and hopefully come back to it.

Bill Gates, Vaccines, Depopulation

 In the link below Bill Gates says some very odd things about vaccines - how they will reduce by half the amount of children dying, and simultaneously will result in “reducing the population growth - it allows society a chance to take care of itself once you’ve made that intervention.” The maths seem a bit contradictory here, Bill. Less people die, and yet population goes not up but down. What is the vaccine doing to cause this seemingly anomalous result?

Then regarding the size of the future world population, he says “If we do a really great job on vaccines, healthcare ... we could lower that (population) by perhaps 10 to 15%.”
So the vaccines will hopefully help dramatically lower the world’s population. Why would that be, would seem the natural thought to arise. Gates is also very, very keen that everyone on the planet be vaccinated for COVID. 

There’s no theorising necessary here to wildly postulate a dark theory. All we’ve done is look at Bill Gates’ own words - someone to add who, though not elected by anyone to any political authority whatsoever, speaks as though he considers himself possessed of real authority when it comes to matters such as depopulating humanity or expelling enormous quantities of dust into the atmosphere to lessen the effects of the sun.

Monday 19 April 2021


The most important time to resist falling is before the falling. It’s very hard to resist once you’re already falling!

Sunday 18 April 2021

Expose CNN - Project Veritas


“Their throats are open graves.” The rest of the media though is wonderful.



In a time when areas like Alaska are experiencing record low temperatures, a blast from the past with Nobel laureate Al “Einstein” Gore in 2007 predicting that, so astonishing was the rate of global warming, perhaps even by 2014 the Arctic could be entirely free of ice. We’re not just dealing here with a corrupt politician turned scientific guru, but even perhaps a genuine psychic visionary. His finger was truly on the pulse, just as the fingers of figures like Bill “I’m Not Deranged” Gates are on it now.  
And actually the guy who uploaded that video above went for a mid-April cycle a day or two ago, and with Time magazine declaring the world to be burning up, he got to see for himself how frightening the reality to which their words refer really is. Time magazine is incidentally one of the many trustworthy and honourable media outlets with which humanity is blessed.

Friday 16 April 2021

Twitter Reponse to Exposure of CNN - Ban the Exposers

 James O’ Keefe, head of Project Veritas is suing Twitter who clearly in response to their damning exposure of CNN as a deeply dishonest propaganda outfit banned O’Keefe from Twitter. What a telling alliance of squirming, worthless creatures there is going on in those environs. Regarding the individuals in such organisations behind such moves, it shows how you can gain so much of what the world has to offer in terms of wealth, influence, etc and yet, rather than enjoy and be worthy of such abundance, be a toxic parasitic embarrassment to existence. Though I suppose you could argue it is precisely because of being open energetically to such an existence that they are ‘anointed’ into such worldly places of honour in the first place. They are the perfect vessels as, for whatever reasons, there is at their core an almost total absence of resistance to the kinds of things that should produce a revolt of conscience. 

Wednesday 14 April 2021

No Years

 Imagine if there were no years:  no 2021, 1914, 1815, etc, in other words if we didn’t have a numerical time system in terms of years. It probably is effectively inconceivable as a possibility due to our intellectual nature and how, with accumulated knowledge, it entwines with our environment, but its absence is still an interesting thought to try to consider. And how deeply that alternative human universe would feel without what can be a kind of great artificial, mechanised veil over being.

Huge CNN Exposure

 Undercover footage could not be more damning about that “news” station being in reality a propaganda network devoid of journalistic integrity - not that should be a surprise to anyone, and also of course this extends so far beyond this one cretinous institution to so much of the media. CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester states pretty much directly they are the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, how they will essentially invent stories to further their hidden agendas - to for instance hurt Trump or help Biden - how their COVID coverage is targeted at intentionally stoking fear - “Fear sells” - and also how Climate Change is the next issue in line to be really ramped up. Genuinely bombshell stuff.
Just to add though, how anyone could at this stage consider these agendas to be hidden is a bit mystifying, and also the motives behind some of these issues go far beyond simply issues of ratings. The key point though here is the full exposure of their duplicity from their own mouths. The guy behind Project Veritas, James O’ Keefe, in interview about this below, and everyone involved, particularly the woman obtaining the footage, deserves huge kudos. You could, to add, even feel some sympathy for the guy Chester that gets caught out here, but on the ethics front whereas he admits to partaking in deeply unethical journalistic practices of false narratives and so on, here the story is what comes out from his own mouth, not the creation or fabrication of a story that would otherwise not exist.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Black Lives Manors, Dostoevsky

 I post this video above not to wallow in the subject of the utter hypocrisy of the BLM co-founder living in an almost totally white wealthy area, or even as it turns out that this is only one of a number of her properties, but that it just suddenly flashed in me a memory of Dostoevsky covering just this little aspect of such people in his novel Demons, which I’ve written about several times in relation to socialism and revolutionary politics, and which rather than being something of a historical museum piece relevant to particularly the Russia of Dostoevsky’s unfolding time is perhaps unfortunately extremely prescient to the present. But the particular little thing that came to mind is this quote from the genteel, idle, liberal figure Stepan Verkhovensky, who is appalled and shocked to see the kinds of offshoots in terms of people and ideologies arising down the line from the progressive ideas he had revered and helped in his small way to foster. Here, after seeing in evidence some of the acquisitive nature of his son, Pyotr, who is the main revolutionary figure in the novel, is the following, which sparked up in me when watching the above short video:

“Why is it, I’ve noticed,” Stepan Trofimovich once whispered to me at the time, “why is it that all these desperate socialists and communists are at the same time such incredible misers, acquirers, property-lovers, so much so that the more socialist a man is, the further he goes, the more he loves property . . .
why is it? Can that too come from sentimentality?”

Monday 12 April 2021

Papua New Guinea

Back to the early 90s:

Bill Gates is Seriously Unhinged


So, wherever he imagines his authority is coming from, Bill Gates wants airplanes to send astronomical amounts of something like chalk dust into the atmosphere to cool the effects of the sun, and then hope for the best in terms of consequences. Given the size of the earth, its atmosphere, and the size and power of the sun, we’re talking here about a whole lot of dust. What could possibly go wrong?

 Meanwhile I see this below from Accuweather. An incredibly cold winter in Gates’ part of the world just keeps refusing to die, even now well into April. Temperatures here in Ireland are very much in wintry mode still also, despite the occasional bout of spring. One might imagine with the expected diminishing of winter obviously very much not happening, well this should surely all be very comforting. We can breathe a little easier, though we might have to wrap up a bit warmer than we’re used to. But no, for such people as Gates and his ilk, the suggestion of things not going to shit would be something to get very angry about. They want things to be going to shit, or more importantly, believed to be going to shit. “Can’t you see how our winters are fading away?!” No, I can’t quite see that.

Low temperature records fell throughout parts of Alaska this past week, and the same intense cold has began to infiltrate the Pacific Northwest of the United States.

The historic cold blast settling into Alaska at the end of the week sent temperatures plummeting far below zero, so cold, in fact, as to topple several long-standing records.

Fairbanks dropped to a staggering 27 degrees below zero on Friday, smashing the century-old record of 16 below zero from 1911.

Sunday 11 April 2021

Worth a Look - Ted Shuttlesworth

This is not the kind of thing only a very short time ago I would have known anything about or envisaged myself watching, but whatever about it as a whole I strongly recommend watching it from about 2 hours 27 minutes on for a while, and give it a proper chance for 20 minutes or so anyway. The man speaking is Ted Shuttlesworth, of whom I had never previously heard. Certainly not someone afraid of ruffling feathers, or as he says himself, “I got over myself.”

Saturday 10 April 2021

BLM Making a Difference for Black People

Some people may be sceptical about the whole Black Lives Matter movement, and what good they actually bring to black people’s lives. Well here is proof they are making a difference, as below are some images of co-founder Patrice “We are trained Marxists” Cullors’ new home in the highly desired area of Topanga, Los Angeles County, California:

A quick look at Wikipedia for the demographics of Topanga below tells us that the racial makeup is 88.2% white, with African-Americans comprising 1.4%. Thanks to the generous funding of the BLM movement, that percentage has now been raised just a little bit. BLM - penetrating deep into the enclaves of white privilege, and getting presumably very far away from the enclaves of your ordinary black under-privilege. Patrice is truly walking the talk. She is with her people.


The 2010 United States Census[13] reported that Topanga had a population of 8,289. The population density was 433.2 people per square mile (167.2/km2). The racial makeup of Topanga was 7,313 (88.2%) White (84.5% Non-Hispanic White),[14] 117 (1.4%) African American, 35 (0.4%) Native American, 353 (4.3%) Asian, 3 (0.0%) Pacific Islander, 125 (1.5%) from other races, and 343 (4.1%) from two or more races.  Hispanic or Latino of any race were 534 persons (6.4%)

Candace Owens on Hunter Biden

 “Hunter is the smartest person I know” Joe Biden.

Thursday 8 April 2021

Love Is, Isn’t

Here I think will follow some quick utterances, which I will probably desist from attempting to turn into some cohesive essay type piece.

 Loving someone is much less about understanding them than being fully open to the mystery of them. Which isn’t to say it doesn’t include understanding, but you can understand a book of algebra. It doesn’t mean you love it. And fully understanding someone or something implies a closure to their nature. You have exhausted who they are, as have they. Knowledge as conquering or power. Some phenomenon, including another person or people as a whole, is reduced to to being within your understanding. Energetically they have been conquered, patterns of behaviour dissected, explained by underlying codes, a mystery reduced to the known. The underlying motor behind so much fields of ‘knowing’ - psychological, sociological, etc. Not to say again knowing must equate to this egotistical drive, but certainly very often a huge factor. Why God would be for such people the biggest enemy - an unconquerable mystery. The ego must reduce everything to the known, to be beneath itself. 
Formulated sociological visions like Marxism again about reducing life to the known, to a formula and so  its alleged mystery conquered.

Wednesday 7 April 2021


We all of course spend most of our time nowadays from morning till night warring in the midst of an ideological battleground, of good versus evil, light versus dark - though it might get a bit confusing at times as to which is which and who is who. For instance someone we might have been endlessly told was demented turns out to be kind of good, and someone supposedly good turns out to have dementia. 

But occasionally you have to take a break from all this battling, whatever side you’re on, or you end up just exhausting yourself and with nothing left to give, except that is for perhaps repeating idiotic slogans as quickly as possible regardless of the situation. “Climate change is racism!” That’s the kind of thing you might even end up coming out with as things get confused and you crash and burn. You’d look a right fool. ... Though then again, who knows, you might be applauded for it. You may even be considered to have taken things up into new heights with this act of intellectual fusion created when your brain was running on empty. 

You become, as it turns out, the flavour of the month, a focal point for liberation - at least that is until someone else perhaps comes out and surpasses you with some offshoot like “Climate change is transphobic! Get vaccinated!” And all attention sadly leaves you. Bitter would be the taste. And it’s not as if you couldn’t have come up with that yourself, but you alas were too busy basking in the glory, and inspiration went elsewhere.

But anyway, like I said, we can’t just keep battling on fruitfully unless we pause and refuel every now and again. Otherwise our contributions may be too weak to do justice to the cause.

*** Just in case, out of interest, someone had beat me to the punch with some of the above ideological brilliance I did a quick internet search which, amongst other results, yielded the following from The Guardian way back in 2016 - that deeply ethical newspaper generously funded by amongst others the lovely Bill Gates, and whose editor has in editorial print bowed down and exalted George Soros as the most wondrous man imaginable:

Climate change is a racist crisis: that’s why Black Lives Matter closed an airport

This article is more than 4 years old
Today’s BLM protest at London City airport makes perfect sense: whether it’s via air pollution or police detention, race inequality is alive and kicking in Britain.

* * I would only pollute the waters if I endeavoured to add to such mighty words of grace and beauty, and to add, whilst I didn’t read the rest of the article, I’m sure it was amazing. I must admit I was a bit undecided about the whole Climate Change agenda, but now that I realise how bound up with racist abuse it all is, as revealed by the Marxist BLM group, I’m fully on board. The environmental catastrophe side of things I can take or leave, but racism is a big no no for me.

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Gotthard Tunnel Ceremony

The Gotthard Base Tunnel is the longest railway tunnel in the world, and had an official inauguration ceremony on June 1st 2016. Attending were prominent people in politics and business, including heads of state of Germany, Italy and France. In all likelihood they just blessed the tunnel, cut a tape, had a few speeches and maybe later shared a nice meal, one might have thought. But no, they went to a little more trouble than that for the opening of this tunnel because I suppose it is a very big tunnel. How much more trouble? A good bit more. To the point of staging perhaps the most bizarre and sinister public spectacle witnessed  in the modern world - again presumably because, as I said, it is a very big tunnel. 
It must presumably have been felt this spectacle would be an appropriate one for members of the social-political elites in attendance, such as the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel to enjoy. Utterly screwed up, dystopian, nightmarish, orgiastic, dripping in a darkest sense of the occult ... perhaps these are the kinds of things that really tick their boxes. One might also reasonably wonder for those whose tastes were reflected by such a performance put on in full public glare, what the hell do they get up to in private.
And to add, the most appropriate response I think to anyone who would seek to explain away all this is “You’re an idiot.”

The second video below gives a more comprehensive view of the performance, and is also very good at giving an overview of the ceremony as a storyline, though a little after 13 or so minutes when he moves onto attempting to rationalise or comprehend the essence of it all, I wasn’t exactly enthralled and moved on.

Sunday 4 April 2021


However cool or not this is or was considered to be, it’s bloody brilliant. And, not that I have the experience to judge, just to pick out one of the YT comments, “Damn, how he sings on top of that bassline is a jaw-dropping enigma.”

Saturday 3 April 2021

The Righteous

Two sides faced each other, on one side were numbered many, on the other was a solitary one. He must have felt lonely, though admittedly he didn’t look too down about the loneliness. He might have been putting on a brave face. The many were of one mind, apparently, as was the one, though these were perhaps even two very different minds, hence the division. 
After a long silence one of the many shouted across, “We don’t fear you. We are many. Therefore we have the right.” 
Many grunts and yeahs of even angry affirmation followed, glad presumably that someone had been so bold as to speak up on the collective behalf. It reflected well on them as a whole that they were not cowed by this oppressive contradictory force facing them.
“But I’m the minority here. I thought minorities were sacred.”
This confused and startled them, but after a while of silent panic someone shouted back,”No, we’re the minority!” Again followed by much approval, though with hints it must be said of self-doubt. Were they really the minority?
The solitary one laughed and walked off. He had been defeated. At least that’s what they told themselves afterwards. He had been put to the sword by their truth and their righteousness.

Friday 2 April 2021

CNN Claim Not Possible to Identify Gender at Birth

 From an article by a CNN writer, Devan Cole, the following quote:

“biological sex” a disputed term that refers to the sex as listed on students’ original birth certificates.

It’s not possible to know a person’s gender at birth.

I’d have grave concerns if I was either of a newborn’s parents, man or woman, and was told by the doctor or nurses that sadly they couldn’t figure out what gender the child was. The parents should just be thankful that somehow, against the odds, aided by these morons, the birth was still a successful one.
Imagine being so devoid of a core of inner dignity that you go along with and actively promote the puerile and demented ideology, across various ultimately intertwined issues, that is being pushed from various sectors. There’s no reason for me to fear losing and alienating readers so I might as well go on with the following. I saw a very interesting talk from Robin Bullock where he says Satan’s revolt was not inspired by a desire to usurp and overthrow God, whom he knew was way beyond his power, but of enormous envy of the creation of man, and boundless hatred of his and her closeness to God. All these ideologies that are pouring out now do actually make perfect sense through that lens, that they are united by a desire to corrupt and drag down the dignity of humanity. And if that sounds a bit extreme if new to the thought, just consider the likelihood going back not that long ago that anyone on a mainstream public platform would, with a straight face, claim it is not possible to know a child’s gender at birth - and that the party in office in the US would very actively be pushing that agenda also. What’s going on? 

Rubin Report Intro

 Just posting this cos I love his first minute and a half or so that Dave Rubin does here! Brilliant. Even if you have no interest in whatever follows, definitely worth a glance at that little bit.

Thursday 1 April 2021


 “You know my favourite thing about modern sport?”
“No, what?”
“We’ll say it could be a game of rugby you’re watching on the telly with these thirty fellas bashing into each other over and over again, lying on top of each other, face to face in the muck, all this kind of stuff. And then one of them gets substituted, he goes off and sits down somewhere with no one around him, and he puts on a mask in case he gives someone the Covid. I love that.”
“Me too. It makes me feel protected to know, however old I am, I’m being treated intellectually like a two year old.”
“That’s true. We love that. We know then we’re being looked after.”