Thursday 29 April 2021

Original Sin, Modern Guilt

It would be very easy to pick any number of examples to display the flood of this inane ideological outpouring, but this presented itself to me this morning on YouTube about schoolboys being shamed in school by some toxic state official in Australia for being white, Christians and boys; and so that’s the one I’ll go with, and which was anyway the spur for writing whatever is below

If you are white and male you should be ashamed of yourself. Unless that is, that you are already ashamed of yourself. In that case, having embraced your guilt, you are thereby partly and perhaps even wholly cleansed of it. You can now move onto focusing on everyone relevant else’s guilt. 
But if you are male and white, how does accepting one’s guilt make one less male and white, and so intrinsically guilty? Well, with one’s preaching of this guilt to the damned hordes, you are displaying yourself to be a member of the priestly ideological class, and perhaps within this select few lies salvation. 

One logical offshoot of this doctrine of the original sin of being white and male: if such a person transgenders to ‘become female,’ they presumably then become purified of a considerable amount of their guilt. 

I’ll try to make this brief but all this progressive Marxist related doctrine that is pouring itself out from the mouths of the indoctrinated just struck me as reminiscent of Calvinism, which is itself a vision of Christianity filtered through the mind of a paranoid sociopath. The first key point of Calvinism is that all humanity is guilty of Total Depravity. Nothing you can do can change this, even, within this supposedly Christian religion, accepting fully Jesus as your saviour. However God has predestined a select few to salvation, and the rest unfortunately are pre-selected to eternal damnation. A psychotic creator! Behaving morally may indicate you are one of the saved, but it doesn’t have the power to effect your salvation. If you’re damned, you’re damned! 

So akin to the select few are the obedient followers of our modern progressivism, and whose ideologically sound and obedient behaviour suggests their salvation. They have completely sacrificed any individuality, and instead signed up in full to the unfolding doctrine. As that doctrine, as we see, becomes inevitably more and more extreme, those whose sense of individuality and conscience thankfully asserts itself begin to fall by the wayside, and the core group becomes more and more ‘puritan’. Collectively so, with this sifting process, there becomes less and less conscience left within the movement to resist the flow of its inner logic.

There’s no need to go deep into it, but progressive ideology is very much tied in with materialistic atheism, as clearly displayed in the state ideologies of nations that became overtly communist such as Russia and China. And this ideology especially began to be expounded in various formulations through the 19th century. And by whom? Naturally very much white male intellectuals, and whose breeding ground would naturally be the academic worlds. Of course with the emancipation of women, the makeup of that world has been altered considerably, but we’re still essentially talking about the same intellectual atmosphere or environment, and the same point goes for its ethnic make-up.

Remember there is no great cohesion or consistency with this materialist philosophy. So for example it denies the spiritual aspect to life, and ultimately this leads to the non-existence of good and evil - which at times some of its more advanced proponents will freely admit and very much even celebrate. So if there is no good, then how can their ideology or anything else be good? Or for that matter, how can anything be bad? Utilitarianism is an example of the grey, feeble attempts that arise in trying to paper over these unsettling cracks. 
Or they will even argue that there is no intellectual truth either. It is racist oppression or whatever! But if there is no truth, how can they be proclaiming this to be true? It all simply amounts to a parody of thought. So, as a whole, as a natural outpouring of its false self, all truth starts to fall apart. It is truthless, and proclaims truthlessness.

So anyway, allowing for all this garbled inconsistency, white males are guilty by virtue of their existence, which equates to Calvin’s Total Depravity. This doctrine will naturally and easily extend beyond those white male confines to all persons being guilty by virtue of being human - and for example within certain environmentalist camps, because of obvious truths of things like pollution, that very self-hating view of mankind being a noxious parasite upon existence has long been proclaimed by many. If only we didn’t exist! So just as with Calvin, it is quite easy to show evidence of our sinning through time, and this pointing towards wrongful behaviour then spins out of control to become a doctrine of absolute, unatonable guilt.

 But despite everything, some are predestined to salvation! And by being of the ideologically correct  class, one can show that one is comparably free of this guilt, even if one is white and male. It doesn’t logically follow but remember this doesn’t all have to make sense! It just has to have some kind of veneer of being logical that will firstly convince these ‘priests,’ and who then successfully indoctrinate others of their and their culture’s innate inner shame. And finally to mention that in Christianity I think one of the names for the devil is the Accuser. And the very essence of all this ideology is to accuse us of being guilty. We should feel ashamed of our existence. And these don’t even have to be our own crimes. We are generationally cursed for certain predecessors’ actions. And as in the video above, especially so if one is not just white and male but Christian also. For whatever reasons, this adds something specific and special to the accusation.

If I’d known how out of hand this piece would all get, I’d not have started it! I only wanted to write a few short lines. I’m sure it’s all a bit messy and repetitive but I am one of the guilty after all! Naturally this fills me with a deep and sincere sense of shame.

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