Sunday 31 January 2021

In Younger Years

 It’s easy to forget when we see Joe Biden fumbling around for words, and perhaps painfully landing on the wrong ones, that this was once a very brilliant man. In the great politician’s own words from this little nugget from yesteryear: ‘Part of what a leader does to instil confidence is demonstrate that he or she knows what they’re talking about and communicates to people. ... When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on television and said “Here’s what happened.”’

Just to add a few helpful dates and facts: The Wall St Crash occurred in 1929, Herbert Hoover was President, Franklin D Roosevelt didn’t become President until 1933, whilst the first televised Presidential address was from Harry Truman in 1947.

Despite the passing of time some of the old magic still remains, and I’d just like to show the following particularly statesmanlike clip where he speaks about his hairy legs. There are good reasons after all why, as we are reliably informed, this man most undeniably gained about 17% more votes than anyone in previous US electoral history.


It is perhaps even dangerous for an undefended human soul to be exposed to such hypnotic oratorical skills, and no wonder such unprecedented numbers found the temptation to vote for him to be irresistible. One can only tremble and hope that such a mind is always placed in the service of good rather than ever be turned to the dark side.

Saturday 30 January 2021


 There were two towns and between them a body of water. Could you try walking from one side across to the other? You could, but you’d drown. It was too deep. You’d have to swim, and even then most likely you’d also drown. It was too far.

Nobody Home


According to Joe Biden - as he tortuously explains whilst bravely fighting off the threat of his words disintegrating into formless chaos - 600 million doses of vaccine will be enough to fully vaccinate 300 Americans. And just in case you thought you might have heard that wrong or it was an extremely bizarre but merely momentary slip of the tongue, he, after plenty time to think about it, goes back to repeat the point. 
I was going to say, The lights are on but there’s nobody home, but I don’t think I’d go so far as to say the lights are on in the first place. 
And have the hard-hitting media been aghast and wondering what the hell is going on with this man and his mental faculties? No, they probably haven’t. Just let him get on with the good work of signing his name to that steady stream of Executive Orders that are put in front of him. All is well in the kingdom.

Imagine, this is really happening. 

* Just to add, in fairness to Biden I did think his use of the word “order” to be quite brilliant in this video.

Friday 29 January 2021

Thursday 28 January 2021

Matt Gaetz versus Liz Cheney

 Just to link to Matt Gaetz, US Senator, speaking in Wyoming to try to help oust the dreadful neocon Liz Cheney from representing the Republican Party at Congress. Remember them - Bush, her dad and the rest of the lunatic war mongers. Funnily it’s rather Trump, an enemy of those murderous parasitic creatures, who the media across the board demonised to an infinitely greater degree. I wonder why was that. Liz Cheney voted to impeach Bush, her and the Democrats united, because of course the supposed rival camps of Bushes, Clinton’s, etc were and are one big incestuous family at heart. And to mention that both George W Bush and his presidential rival John Kerry, very much on the scene still, were both members of the bizarre, occult Yale secret society, Skull and Bones, also known as The Brotherhood of Death, and so the American public were choosing between two members of that body. When asked about it, John Kerry said, “It’s a secret so we can’t talk about it.”In case you’re new to that, it’s very easy to check it up. ‘What the hell is going on’ would I think be a sane and appropriate response. These are not normal people.

Anyway Matt Gaetz begins speaking in the 31st minute of the video.

The Cynic and Tolstoy

 This piece something I wrote years ago and came across earlier, and have added somewhat to just now.

: one of a set of Greek philosophers who regarded virtue as the supreme good and despised all comfort and refinement; modern meaning, one who believes that man's conduct is based on self-interest; a misanthrope; a surly, morose man.

 My eye caught the above definition while searching for something else in a dictionary, which split definition seemed almost amusingly perverse, changing from the old faith in the supremacy of virtue to something of its opposite, where virtue has disappeared altogether from the being and worldview of the cynic, and he having become an embittered misanthrope. Though perhaps the evolution in meaning is more natural than might first appear. I'll make no effort to fill the vacuum of my philosophical knowledge but just work from the sparse definition offered: the Greek cynic and his faith in virtue appears to be a logically conceived morality, more a matter of reason than direct inner experience of a purer state of being; and thus his equal emphasis on that which he despises, and interestingly that being the not particularly harmful things of pleasure, at least compared to some other vices. He already seems to be clinging angrily and maybe desperately to a virtue that is puritanical and threatened by anything more feminine in energy. Morality is in a sense religion without the holiness, an unfree matter of obligation, and apt to become dogmatic and intolerant, which is the very essence of Puritanism.
If the individual, or even an entire culture, falls away from the direct spiritual reality, of the divine breath living in him, then the assertion of the reality of virtue becomes a fading linguistically sustained memory of all this, and which if not corrected by genuine experience will continue to fade, and ending with the full disconnect from this positive inner reality, and so leading on to the despairing, misanthropic conclusion. Thus the cynic in the second sense being someone who has lost faith in his ideal; the ideal in the first place being the replacement of living truth with an idea of that truth. The idea without the reality isn’t enough to sustain belief in itself, and so the above process plays out.

 This bullying dogmatism and primacy of concern with the false is especially pronounced in the case of the later Tolstoy, who came to denounce all the art for which he is best known as essentially immoral, not sufficiently concerned with ethical truth - in other words as the initial version of the cynic extolling virtue and denouncing refinement - and while say in his final novel Resurrection on the surface he asserts the moral truth of Christianity, simultaneous to this he displays an unattractive, bullying cynicism about the spiritual world lying beyond the limits of rationality and morality; instead haranguing the reader about the primacy of reason, and the book as a whole reads as a rather remorseless lecture. This same spirit he almost destroyed War and Peace with in the final third or so of the book where the rationalist unashamedly keeps interjecting himself to bludgeon the reader with confused notions such as how all history conforms exactly to some scientific laws, as yet beyond our knowing but certainly allegedly there. If only we can figure out what they are - and this, it should be realised, is very much the spirit of deterministic materialism and Marxism. 

So on the one hand the ascetic Tolstoy praises the simplicity of the peasant life and its faith in the spiritual, and especially so when compared to the corruption of the false forms of the civilised and educated, in thrall to Western European civilisation; but then on the other hand he is convinced all of reality and the flow of life can be rationally explained and fit into some intellectual mode of knowing, exactly in the manner of Western European rationalism which is completely cut off from the simplicity and humility of the organic life of the peasant he is simultaneously preaching. In terms of coherence, it’s a complete mess.

He re-wrote the Gospels but took out anything with which he disagreed, such as the miraculous, and his Jesus he edited and pared down to be simply a very moral being. Holiness or the divine was not necessary.  And related to his intolerant morality is his condemnations in What Is Art of earlier works of art of his own like Sevastopol Sketches, based on his experiences in the Russian army during the Crimean War, and where he is extraordinarily sensitive to the atmosphere in its full sense in which wider humanity lives. When true to himself as an artist he has a kind of direct intuiting, or being at one with life alien to the  rationalistic, moralistic Tolstoy. He was far more spiritual when being true to himself as an artist than when abandoning art and taking on the role of the religious/moralistic lecturer.

And so the remarkable passage below from Sevastopol in May, though of course the effect much weakened by just extracting it from the literary whole: 

 He could feel something wet in the region of his chest - this wet sensation made him think of water, and he could have drunk whatever his chest was wet with. "I must be bleeding from the fall," he thought and, becoming more and more flustered with the fear that the soldiers who were continuing to flicker past were about to trample him, he mustered all his strength and tried to shout: "Take me with you!" Instead, however, he began to groan so horribly that he grew frightened at the sound he was making. Then red lights began to dance in front of his eyes and he had the impression that the soldiers were piling stones on top of him. The lights grew more and more sparse, and the stones being placed on top of him seemed to weigh more heavily on him. He made an effort to heave them aside, straightened himself up, and then neither saw nor heard nor thought nor felt anything more. He had been killed on the spot by a shell splinter that had struck him in the middle of the chest.

The rationalist could of course mock at such artistic intuiting. 


 He imagined he lived in a vacuum, but it turned out and of course that he didn’t.

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Great Writer

 “What makes a great writer?”
“The possession of a voluminous vocabulary.” 

Monday 25 January 2021


 “So the world used to be flat and people used to fall off the edge, but then they discovered it was round and they didn’t fall off it anymore? Is that what you’re saying?”      
 “No! It was never flat!”
“It was never flat? So how did they fall off it so?”
“They didn’t fall off it!”
“I’m more confused now.”
“Look, we’ll just leave it at that.”


Is Black Lives Matter Ideologically Marxist?

 In interview in 2015 Patrise Cullors, BLM’s co-founder said the following:

The first thing is we actually do have an ideal ideological frame. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on ideological theories.

Marxism, to remind anyone, is not compatible with democratic systems of government, nor is meant to be.  It is by definition a system of one-party totalitarian rule, with no tolerance for the existence of an opposition, and run of course by the Marxists. This relates by the way very much as to why incredibly wealthy elements can be pushing these kind of ideologies which one might be imagining should be coming from and serving the materially more disadvantaged. It is rather a means of total rule by the few, in alliance with and via the state, over the many.

Naturally you will, if you do a little search, find yourself being informed that it is ridiculously shallow to consider the political group BLM as Marxist simply because the group founder described themselves as founded in ideology, and in the next breath that they are trained Marxists. You will be told it is all about emotional truth, and anyone not in agreement with the beauty of the group can only be an evil bigot, which goes back to the line from Dostoevsky’s revolutionary character Pyotr Verkhovensky: “You know with us, socialism spreads mostly through sentimentality.”

Sunday 24 January 2021

Quick Joe Biden White House channel update

Just a quick check on the White House channel, for old time’s sake, which shows by far the most popular President ever with his 81 million votes has with this latest video as of now at about 10pm 3,400 likes and 21,000 dislikes. I’d be a bit sceptical about the reality of the 3.4 thousand likes and there’s every chance the dislikes have been whittled down but anyway ...  Deep compassion for the YouTube employees who have to keep editing these totals to try to make things a little more pleasing to a certain eye, and maybe through accumulated fatigue they’re beginning to slacken a little.

edit: An hour later and the 3,400 likes have remained static whilst the dislikes are up to 23,000.

And 45 minutes later and the Dislikes have dropped back to 21,000. It’s amazing how easy it is to mess around with voting figures.

 And next morning, in spite of the seesaw battle with the reality-altering censors, the dislikes have risen to 25,000.

Socialism/Liberalism and Dostoevsky

Firstly to say that Dostoevsky spent some years in a Siberian prison camp for his own conspiratorial period, chiefly motivated by a desire to end serfdom; and so it is the perversion of the ideal of liberalism for him that is the problem, not the ideal of liberty. Some utterances below by the nihilist revolutionary Pyotr Verkhovensky from the novel Demons, the germ of whom was based on the contemporary figure of Sergei Nechaev, a man who felt no moral restraint whatsoever in terms of what was permitted him in the cause of revolution and the seizure of power, including the vilest betrayals of his own apparent friends or allies if he felt it helpful. Acquiring incriminating evidence at every opportunity against his own seemingly allies in the cause, blackmailing or selling them out to the authorities, murder of one of their own as a means of deepening the bonds within the rest of the group - these were all justified means towards the end, though to add this depth of information would have largely been unavailable to Dostoevsky at the time. Anyway, utterances from Verkhovensky in rare moments of truthfulness:

 “You know with us socialism spreads mostly through sentimentality.”

This is obvious enough - the social justice warrior stuff, convinced almost solely on the basis of emotions, particularly indignation, and so the movement in its believers equates to moral truth and any opposing force with moral iniquity. It’s much more pleasant to keep things simple and at this kind of adrenaline-based level rather than deal with much in the way of intellectual depth. 

Then come the out-and-out crooks; well they take up a lot of time, require constant surveillance

This perhaps would equate to more militant aspects like Antifa and the more conspicuously ugly aspects of groups like BLM, (whose co-founder Patrise Cullors  said in interview, “We are trained Marxists”) who presumably gain a real taste for power through intimidation and mayhem, and the actions of which the liberal establishment figures like if at all possible to turn a blind eye to. This often thuggish element can possibly get a little autonomous and hard to control though, but they are still small-fry overall, and on the spectrum of power more on the level of useful but dangerous idiots.

“Well and finally the main force - the cement that bonds it all - is shame at one’s own opinion. There isn’t a single idea of one’s own left in anyone’s head! They consider it shameful!”

So these herd mentality incarnates, imagining themselves at the cutting-edge of individuality, become ‘woke’ and sign up to an army of ready-made sacred progressive truths; and again to not be in step with these thoughts is by definition to be a shame to the human race. The greatest enemy is the individual in the real sense.

And the final especially killer line:

“I tell you, I can get them to go through fire if I just yell at them that they are not liberal enough!”

This, to remind you, was written in 1871.

Saturday 23 January 2021

Board Game

 Joe “81 Million Votes” Biden has a new board game coming out called You Ain’t Black! The game begins with each player controlling a black character who lives in the Ghetto, and the goal of the game is for each player to get his character to escape the Ghetto using whatever means necessary, and enter into the White Privilege area of the board. Whoever first succeeds is the winner, but then the rest of the players roar at him, “You Ain’t Black!” whereupon he has to return to the Ghetto and the game restarts.


 “What’s the fastest land mammal?”
“It’s man, isn’t it?”
“No, it’s not man.”
“No, it’s not woman either.”
“I don’t know so. Is it a horse?”
“Close enough.”

Friday 22 January 2021

Keeping it Light

 Okay, I am going to try to avoid excessively serious subjects. I will keep it light - at least that’s the intention. How am I going to achieve that? By choosing my words wisely. I will only use neutral or comforting warm ones so as to stop things from somehow despite myself finding their way over into darker waters - for you can think you have a firm rein on things, but then a moment or two of looseness and you’ve gone all wrong, things are being implied and so on, and everyone is left floundering in the depths and yearning for the shallows.

I’m not sure how light all that is, not that it’s maybe all that heavy. Did you hear about the magic cow? It walked down the road and turned into a field. Now that’s more like it, but it was in fairness a bit kind of random. I don’t think I could exactly claim to have flowed seamlessly into this joke about the cow, but then again maybe it’s what was called for, however crudely we might have arrived at it. And maybe the safest thing now is to leave things at that.

White House Comments

 This is a video from the White House’s official channel on YouTube and I don’t suggest you spend a second wasting your time watching it, but I do suggest clicking to bring you to YouTube and taking a look at the spread of comments on this, their one video where comments were enabled. YouTube have knocked off many thousands of dislikes in the glorious work of distorting reality, but a look at the comments gives a very vivid and striking picture about how many Americans feel about this unbelievably popular President with his toll of 81 million votes, 12 million more than anyone previously. Who knows, you might even find one of those 81 millions making a comment, but you will have to be prepared to take your time and do an awful lot of looking.

edit: This was such a disaster for all involved that normal service has resumed and all comments are once again disabled, with the many thousands of written ones vanished into the void, and presumably for the foreseeable future things will remain locked down on that front. Which to a degree may be just as well lest anyone imagine there is any sense of engagement with a legitimate political regime here, or that time isn’t better spent elsewhere. So anyway the people had a brief and rare chance to speak on the people’s state apparatus’s official channel, and that was quickly seen as very undesirable. I’ll remove the video as there is no reason whatsoever for it being here now.

YouTube deleting thousands of dislikes from Joe Biden Videos

 Article here:

What a noble job: purposely editing the amount of Dislikes on videos on the official White House channel to try make it less obvious how incredibly unpopular the most apparently popular president ever is - going by votes received, or rather allocated.  I’ll just directly quote from the article, and at the page are screenshots to prove the phenomenon. If Google/YouTube and the gang don’t like reality, they alter it, though seeing as loads of people had already seen the numerous Dislikes, they probably couldn’t quite alter the figures as much as they’d like.

On some videos, YouTube’s purging of dislikes resulted in the dislike to like ratio temporarily dropping from 6.7 to 1.3 – a change that drastically alters the public perception of a video. When there are 6.7 dislikes for every like, a video seems wildly unpopular but when there are 1.3 dislikes for every like, it seems like the video is getting a mixed response from viewers.

“President Biden Signs Executive Orders and Other Presidential Actions” video

  • At 90,938 views: 12,000 dislikes, 1,800 likes, 6.7 dislike to like ratio
  • At 98,298 views: 2,500 dislikes, 2,000 likes, 1.3 dislike to like ratio
  • Change: -9,500 dislikes, +200 likes, -5.4 dislike to like ratio

Thursday 21 January 2021


 Now that the farce seems to have reached completion after a certain person whom no one could get excited about received, however it happened, nearly 20% more votes than anyone in previous US history, and was ‘elected’ to office ... (Curiously for someone so unbelievably popular, every single video on the White House’s YouTube account since he was sworn in has far more dislikes than likes, with I think the ratio being five times more so in the negative for his Inauguration video. Wisely comments are not open on this channel’s videos as all that focused love on one man might be overwhelming ) ... well anyway once again I focused and opened a book at random to help perhaps make some sense of it all, this time using the Bible, and this is from a passage I landed on from a short book ‘Micah’ by a prophet of said name:

Their hands are skilled to do evil;

 the official and the judge ask for a bribe,

 and the powerful ask what they desire; 

thus they pervert justice.

If this was written on say a contemporary platform like say Twitter, an asterisk would perhaps be attached declaring there was no evidence to support any of the above, and future such claims will shortly no longer be tolerated. A Google search would surely yield multiple descriptions of Micah as a far-right conspiracy theorist. That’s one thing I’ve noticed, now that of late I’ve mentally engaged more in social-political areas having for some time been largely absent from the field: opponents of certain elements are now it seems all labelled and discredited as of the far-right. Thus one is being helpfully told, lest one fall into temptation, no respectable citizen will identify with or take seriously claims coming from such tainted sources.


 How to discuss serious, maybe even very serious and important things without becoming a propagandist bore - that is of course one of the great questions man has slaved over. I don’t know, maybe you could try keeping a smile on your face while doing the discussing - that might keep things from getting too heavy. But would it work? Doubtful, you’d probably end up just feeling ashamed of yourself, though then again who knows, you might find, even amidst all the shame, you’ve endeared yourself to millions with all the smiling. “He has such important things to say, but more importantly he knows how to smile.” On the other hand I suppose you could resort to never smiling, maybe it doesn’t suit your face, and that to the right people might be endearing also. And who knows, if you’re versatile you could even try mixing it up - the smiling and the not-smiling. “He is so versatile. I love how he mixes it up. He is a true master.”

Wednesday 20 January 2021


 In an interesting finding, face masks are said to be twice as effective in defence against infection when periodically, say every five minutes, accompanied by a swift elevation of the arm in the manner of a Nazi salute. A certain chemical compound is apparently produced which it is said adds an extra layer of protection to the human immune system. Governments are set to swiftly act on this exciting new information.

Tuesday 19 January 2021




Rites of passage initiations are a step up into a deeper mode of being as a consequence of facing some fearful external element or challenge. So a person of say a warrior spirit doesn’t always have had to be of this persona but through facing some crisis, because he has wilfully faced up to whatever moment is at hand, in that very instant a perhaps even spiritual force appropriate to the moment surges into him from what feels like outside. A channel of power is opened by that act of stepping by choice wholly into that space, and thus the warrior energy enters and is born. If he didn’t step up there would be no channel for anything to flow in. You could say it’s an example of where “The Lord helps those who help themselves.”

*If I say ‘he’ in such writings it is because of the limitations of our language rather than as exclusively signifying males. You can’t write elegantly or concisely and keep on saying ‘he or she’ and ‘’himself or herself!’ I assume intelligence and depth in my army of readers.

Below is a fine example of a person imbued with this kind of energy in action against people of a very different hue.

Monday 18 January 2021

Likelihood of More Rain

 It’s raining now, cold and miserable. How much more rain are we going to get? That’s a difficult question to answer. Between now and when? Lots though is probably the answer whatever the meant duration. Though maybe you’re sat somewhere with an entirely different kind of climate and you’re thinking What rubbish! We hardly get any rain - and maybe that’s the problem when relative truths try to become universal. The leap is too big for them. But I wasn’t in fairness concerning myself with anything half so deep. I was simply taking about the likelihood here of lots of rain, and given where I am and our general weather, that can’t have been too controversial. Though it does seem there’s some very sensitive people out there and maybe yes this presumption about rain might offend them deeply, for what reason I’ve no idea, maybe it contravenes some theory or other. ‘Who put you in place to make these presumptions about the future?! Have you got some kind of time-machine?! Are you a magician?! You are usurping my rights! Shut him up!’ Screeches and fury follow. 

And who knows, maybe they have a point. It’s hard to keep up with developments on those fronts - where we’ve all been progressing to and what we now think about all kinds of things. I’ve maybe been swimming in a different current. And even that’s probably offensive - who the hell do I think I am with this ‘swimming in a different current.’ ‘It is being interpreted that you are declaring yourself superior to the people. This is what the Nazis did.’ And then I am shut legitimately up. You might then even get someone like that ruling sage at Twitter explaining that it is yes an unfortunate and perhaps even dangerous measure, but sadly silencing such a person is entirely necessary. He might even become quite verbose on the matter.  Not admittedly eloquent but at least verbose. Plenty words would pour forth. Shortly afterwards he posts a photo of the delightful coffee he has just been served in some island paradise ... well not a coffee you understand but some evolved variant on coffee - again I’ve not quite been keeping up. 

And so what can you do beneath the words of such human oracles but bow down. They are the tip of the soaring arrowheads of human progress flying through and penetrating space. Where will they land?


 A long path led away from the town and up a steep climb; not the most well-trodden of paths especially the further it went, but still far from unwalked. It continued on up to the top of the climb and, while the path became fainter and fainter as the climb progressed its existence could still be discerned, even if fading as it progressed to little more than the steps themselves - that is the steps and path became one and the same.

A man appeared in the town, seemingly more of a city type, not the most physically imposing or impressive, glasses beneath which greedy, bird-like eyes darting about him. He had a kind of carnivorous look of trying to extract some inner marrow of whoever he was talking to, though given the nature of himself and his staccato disconnected attempts at conversing, I don’t think he was having much success with the locals in that line - though you never know, maybe he thought he was penetrating them to the core.

He came across the path one day, by chance or however, and it seemed he grew very excited by it. He was soon to be seen coming and going from the town, and on his goings carrying bundles of long pointed sticks, atop of which he had managed to tie flags, and it turned out he was sticking these flagged sticks into the ground at regular intervals, or at least what was probably meant to be regular intervals, up along the ascending path. Back he would come to the town and then away again with another bundle atop his obedient if not very sturdy back. He had the look, it was said, all this time of someone who’d been awaiting all his life for something special, some great moment, and now it had arrived, and so now there he was merging with it for all he was worth.

With word of what he was doing when I next went along that walk I expected to see it indented from start to finish with his flagged sticks, and indeed for some distance it was heavily scoured. The sticks though tended not to be much in the way of being particularly upright, instead at odd angles to each other creating a haphazard rhythm, while quite a few were already perilously close to toppling over outright and a few having already done so. At times the sticks departed the path and struck out at some tangent for a few yards before these digressions coming to abrupt halts, occasionally one or two sticks then making unconvincing looking efforts to bridge and rejoin the apparently re-found path a little further. Maybe he thought he was effecting some short-cuts or, unused to such uncivilized terrains, his eyes simply found it difficult at times, say of fading light, to discern what was path and what not. 

At first the disfigured vista seemed to me a bit amusing but then I began to get annoyed at the thought and sight of this wild, quiet place being made look ridiculous - and by this stupid outsider, not that his being an outsider probably made much difference, though of course only an outsider would have behaved like this in the first place. 

Walking on after a while just where the incline began to get a bit more serious I came an end of the sticks, and a few yards further on lay the very man, stretched out and gasping, still with a few sticks in the bundle tied to himself. I’m afraid he didn’t provoke much in the way of compassion in me, he’d be all right in a while, but I could hardly just walk on, much as I might have wished, and so having asked him was he all right, to which he was unable to reply, I stayed by him a bit, and with the help of a drink of water he slowly began to recover himself.

“Are you feeling better now?” 
“I am improving. It is the same every time.”
”What is?”
”This is as far as my body goes. I cannot go myself any further. But you, you don’t think you could . . .”

In short what he was telling me, while not losing that greediness to his look though with now I thought an added tone of some secret comradeship, that his path-marking was coming up against something of a brick-wall and that being his body’s collapsing in exhaustion somewhere around this point. The walk was bad enough, but with the weight of the sticks added to the load . . . But me, might I not wish to involve myself, to mark out the rest of the path? ‘I’m afraid not.’ He seemed to find this incomprehensible - not to be a colleague in this great work - but rather than explain myself, I said good luck and headed off up the path.

I came across him similarly stretched out and gasping over the next few days, back or forward a few yards from the same point, but usually back a bit: the weight of the added sticks he’d added to his pile and having to carry the entire already attained distance presumably too much for him. He didn’t ask me again to help him, but added to his embittered looks me was some latent pleading along with, deeper again, some uncomprehending sense of betrayal, whatever mystery about which he must have thought we were in league.

I suppose you had to admire his efforts with these flagged sticks, at least in theory you did, but in practice to be honest I didn’t. He failed to ever manage to get much farther with his sticks along the path, and soon, these limits to his endurance unsurpassed, he disappeared altogether. In his absence many more of his sticks toppled over.

It wasn't the end of things though and soon enough other people began appearing, diluted versions you could say of the first man, maybe a little more robust and a little less carnivorous. And why? To see The Sticks for themselves (their pronunciation somehow included the capitals). Sent on their way up the path, they were as excited about what they came across as the first man had been, and in their own ways turned out to be just as busy – this time not sticks but rulers, maps, measuring tapes, graphs, cameras . . . If in the midst of their activities someone happened to walk past them heading off up the incline, out past the limits of the sticks, these men wouldn’t it seemed even notice him. Even if said hello in passing he still wouldn't appear to register.

Their activities proved endless. You might think they’d soon enough exhaust all they could do but there was no end to distances and angles of and between sticks and so on that could be measured. Incidentally any stick that in the meantime fell was left where it was and no more interest paid it. 

As time went on the fame of the original man and his sticks, and even some of the later men, grew and grew. No mention though ever seemed to be made of the path.


  There’s a great battle going on for the soul, individual and collective. You could even very much feel like you’re in the midst of all this, but then you relax and switch to say watching some sports event, and all of a sudden there is no battle and no soul either. They’ve all disappeared from view.

Sunday 17 January 2021

2 figures

Moments of Rebellion

 Naturally, he felt a need to reward himself for days of obedience with little moments of rebellion.

Demons, Dostoevsky.

See this thought transmuted to weekly satirical tv programmes - depending on where you are, Have I Got News For You, Mock the Week, etc - where all involved, participants and viewers, get to feel like they are of this rebellious spirit looking down from the moral and intellectual heights and sneering at social-political events fully in view below. The reality is though this weekly ‘rebellion’ works  as a cohesive element within that same social-political environment. It is very unlikely that watching tv ever offers up much in the way of rebellion! ‘First I’ll watch some quiz show, then maybe a cooking programme, some dancing or maybe sport, and then I’ll get serious and they’ll show me on the news the reality of what’s going on in power politics, and then afterwards we’ll have a good laugh about it!’ The viewers are rewarded for their obedience with their ‘moments of rebellion.’

Quick related thought: just as music or film critics are an integral part of their relevant world, we’ll say a musical is produced, the audience comes, the critic reviews it - good, bad or indifferent - this is all part of that musical world and not outside and antithetical to it; to see political critics, even when of supposed independent critical nature and maybe lofty reputation, as generally integral to the social-political world in its normal running, not antithetical to it, and within whose thoughts the audience’s urge to ‘moments of rebellion’ may be canalised and satisfied. Obviously not saying this has to be the case, and as a character in an Aldous Huxley novel says, “It’s good to be cynical. That is, if you know when to stop.”

Saturday 16 January 2021

This Lie

 There was this lie and what should you do with a lie except not believe it, but there were some who said to themselves, ‘Any fool can believe in the truth but it takes someone special to believe in a lie,’ and so that’s what they did, and they dwelt within it.


 Okay, I must reaffirm my commitment to my daily writing. Well I could just write and do without the commitment stuff. That’s the trouble with commitments - you can feel chained to duty, and if you’re not all that into being chained, then seeing as the chains are only in your head, if anywhere, then they have no choice but to evaporate once you give up on them. But then on the other hand that can be all too psychological. The lazy soul, or the laziness within the soul, doesn’t want to make any kind of effort and so it comes up with all this stuff to cloak itself and its laziness as ‘freedom from chains’ and whatever. You have to be very alert to yourself! You have to be your own barometer.



Thursday 14 January 2021

Hunters in the Snow

 ‘Hunters in the Snow’ by Pieter Bruegel as shown in ‘Solaris’ by Andrei Tarkovsky.

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Biggest Proof

 What is the most obvious evidence for this past US election being a complete fraud? Your own intelligence and integrity. Think back to the first Obama won election and all the almost messianic hysteria stirred up in his favour. On the back of this he attained 69,500,000 votes, his opponent McCain nearly 60 million, and Obama’s total was until this election the highest ever attained by a presidential candidate. A something of an aside in the following election, Obama dropped to nearly 66 million votes and won comfortably over Mitt Romney who attained nearly 61 million. Just to mention another quite heated encounter - in 2004 George Bush won with 62 million votes to John Kerry’s 59 million. 

So to recap, 69,500,000  was the previous highest ever total, and this achieved victory by about 10 million votes. This election Donald Trump is accredited with over 74 million votes, close to 5 million more than the previous highest ever attained. This, an unprecedented total, could only plausibly result in an absolute landslide victory. Nothing else could make sense, with the rival candidate probably scoring well under 60 million votes. But no, Biden is accredited with over 81 million (utterly dwarfing Obama’s total). This is simply laughable and defies any plausibility. It could not possibly happen, and anyone arguing otherwise can only be using their total lack of integrity, be it in defence of falseness or cowardice, to pretend to something so utterly preposterous.

Internal and External

 Spiritual advice - don’t look to the external, look to the internal. Yes but if you are looking at something, even if you call it internal, you here, it there and you looking at it, then it is also external. So it is more a case of being the internal rather than looking at it. And as for looking at the external, that seems all very obvious, you here looking, it there being looked at, but where does all this take place: in your mind or consciousness, and so the external isn’t external either. The internal external divide is brought together in being. Look down and see your hand. Is your hand external to yourself? How could that be?

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Capitol Police Politely Let Protesters Walk In

 Maybe I should be able to embed the video itself here but anyway I’ll just post the link to the minute long video of the police just standing calmly to the side of the corridors as if under orders, and just allowing protesters walk in as if this is what’s expected and supposed to happen. I know I’ve said previously how it was obviously a permitted or arranged event but it’s still shocking for the evidence of this to be so blatant.

 The obvious thing with any crime is that it is committed for gain, so who would gain with this permitted crime or event? The answer is not difficult. Most certainly not Donald Trump, and most certainly his opponents - turning an incredible show of support by members of the public for him and their nation, into something to condemn him and them for. 

To add a while ago I did just see a minute or so of BBC News on this subject in general, and even within that single minute it’s pitiful the naked propagandist bias - which works as far as it goes as only people susceptible to such bias would be watching in the first place, and so these people will unquestioningly and understandably accept this ‘truth’, coming as it does from such apparently respectable sources. I would presume most of those who are awake to how biased the BBC intentionally is on an ideological level and don’t agree with this bias wouldn’t be watching, so it’s a case of preaching to the converted.

The mentioned footage below, with one telling moment being where you hear someone ask are they going to lock us in, as he wonders what sense it makes that they are just being allowed or even encouraged to enter the building. In other words, were they walking into a trap. Yes, they were.

Steve Turley on Twitter Backlash

 What a shame that Twitter lost 5 billion dollars in value more or less overnight. Just to remind you, Twitter in the person of their CEO Jack Dorsey chose to interpret Trump saying he would not be at the inauguration as an unpardonable incitement to violence. I will not be going to the inauguration either. I realise, fool that I am, that this incendiary statement could land me in serious trouble with the police, or at least the digital equivalents, but I am willing to take that risk. 
I hadn’t been aware but besides the Twitter alternative Parler, which Google, Amazon and the gang have gone after to shut down, ever more exposing their nature, there is another Free Speech alternative platform that is available and seemingly swiftly drawing huge crowds. 

And just to remind you of a quote from DH Lawrence I recently used in a post on Satire, which applies exactly to people like Dorsey and his ilk:

 Satire exists for the very purpose of killing the social being, showing him what an inferior he is and, with all his parade of social honesty, how subtly and corruptly debased. Dishonest to life, dishonest to the living universe on which he is parasitic as a louse. By ridiculing the social being, the satirist helps the true individual, the real human being, to rise to his feet again and go on with the battle. For it is always a battle and always will be.

Monday 11 January 2021

Twitter’s Stated Justification for Banning Trump

Twitter’s stated reasons for their permanent ban of Donald Trump are two tweets. No small thing to treat the President of the United States as an untouchable. These are the tweets:

“The 75,000,000 great American patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form.” 

The second tweet is:

“To all those who have asked, I will not be going to the inauguration on January 20th.”

Twitter then expand on why these are so appalling that a permanent ban was required. It’s so insulting to the intelligence I’m not going to defile myself going over the intellectual vomit they came out with. Imagine going to court and being found guilty on this evidence, whatever the crime is supposed to be - which is what has essentially occurred here. This is the treatment Twitter are willing to give the political head of the state in which they reside. It is actually suicidal for a social environment to grant huge power of influence to such unelected forces clearly poisonous to the health and stability of that environment - behaving as a prejudicial, dictatorial and higher authority than the head of state. Extend this to consider where a normal person stands if such Big Tech giants ever feel the need to flex their muscles and silence that person. With obviously no respect afforded to anyone, if desired any words can easily be twisted to infer anything. However, even attempting to apply reason to the madness and falseness of the situation that seems triumphant at the moment in the US feels almost touching in its naivety. These aren’t dubious errors of judgement being made but rather very obvious agendas being played out. Below is Dinesh D’Souza on the Twitter Trump issue, and is well worth watching:

Big Tech Power Surge

 As you probably know by now all the ‘Big Tech’ companies have banned Donald Trump and his most vociferous allies like Sidney Powell and General Flynn from their various platforms, including even their family members! - in what is obviously felt a vital necessity of cutting off their means of communication to the outside world. As a response to this some were resorting to the Twitter alternative Parler, and so swiftly in this intense time Google and Apple have gone after Parler to try shut down that avenue also. It is through using such platforms that Trump and forces for democracy have been to some considerable degree able to bypass the corporate media, and thus now the dramatic rush to try to shut down any leakages in the control of the flow of information. This is all very double-edged though as it is ever more obvious what is going on - though I’m not quite sure how it could be getting any more obvious! There is nothing remotely subtle anymore, right now it is just a naked surge for raw power. It is pretty much clear and open-warfare.

Article on their dictatorial bullying of Parler here, the timing and purpose of which is so comically transparent.

Sunday 10 January 2021


 “If you had to watch mainstream news for a couple of hours or bang your head against a wall for the same  duration, which would you choose?”

“Well I’m no masochist so obviously I’d be banging my head against that wall.”

“But wouldn’t you be worried about possible brain damage.”

“Yeah, that’s another reason I’d be choosing the wall.”

Dipping In

 Okay, another post focused on the random opening of a book, again the same book as last time, Dostoevsky’s ‘Demons’, alternatively translated as ‘The Possessed’, and we will see what ensues. I think I can sense everyone’s excitement as the moment draws near. Maybe the extract that I fall on is too boring to post, maybe something is worth posting but is subsequently censored by our lovable lords and masters of the virtual realms for implying some seditious sentiment detrimental to the public health, who knows, anything could happen and it probably will. Well no, let’s not exaggerate, the scope of what could happen probably isn’t all that wide.

 Remember I don’t simply in some offhand manner open the book. No, I focus myself and then I open it. There mightn’t be much discernible difference to the casual observer, but in the internal there is a world of difference, and the internal is after all the true kingdom. Come to think of it that might be enough to get me censored. It’s certainly seditious. I apologise to the censors who after all are only protecting us against thinking for ourselves, which could only lead to harm. They have our backs and our search histories. They are wonderful people.

Anyway we’re losing sight of the supposed point to all this. Dostoevsky, Demons, focusing, dipping in ... 

“There are things, Varvara Petrovna, of which it is not only impossible to speak intelligently, but of which it is not intelligent even to begin speaking.”

I promise that really was an act just as described, in the moment, and amazingly it seems to tie in beautifully to the theme of censoring touched on above. We should be very cautious about what we permit ourselves to talk about. It is probably unintelligent to even speak on the subject of censoring. Who do we think we are after all?

Truth or Lie

 “Would you prefer to die in the truth or live in a lie?”
“Well seeing as the guy living in a lie is going to die anyway, I don’t think it’s a very difficult question!”

Saturday 9 January 2021



An unfinished charcoal of mine.

Open Graves

 As the utter deceit filled vileness of the power elites’ mouthpiece, the media in its various forms, is ever more shamelessly triumphant in the last few days, a line from the Bible seems to me very vivid in elucidating their essence:

Their throats are open graves.

Donald Trump is of course no perfect man, but all around the world huge numbers of people very correctly in my view began to see him as a very unexpected focal point of someone in the highest power genuinely motivated for the mass of people’s interests, and so of course deeply antagonistic to what is ever clearer a noxious cabal of forces who look on us with total indifference and contempt. This body of people essentially wish to push their power to the absolute over us, with laughably them even telling us with one of their slogans from their vision of the Great Reset, “You will own nothing.” Look up the Great Reset though and you will see such fears dismissed as weak-thinking conspiracy theories. We’re not having to do any theorising. We’re just taking them at their own word.

Trump said, “They’re not after me. They’re after you, and I’m just in the way.” And now feeding off their ability to send out through their media their total distortions of reality, they are going after Trump, this focal point of resistance, with full force, and clearly feel whatever shackles of restraint are gone. What is happening now cannot simply be seen as a power struggle in the ordinary earthly sense. This really is at the level of spiritual warfare, of evil fully going for broke.

Lifting from a previous piece on Machiavelli ... This tension is for Machiavelli an unquestionable, fundamental truth - that the ruling elites will always want to oppress the people, to further their control, and by simple logic the ultimate desired destination is absolutism, the totalitarian state. This leap to absolute power is dangerous for the rulers however, as the people are great in number and have no wish to be the subjects of outright tyranny. To excessively act on this urge for such total mastery is to gamble with what they already possess. 

Principalities usually come to grief when the transition is being made from limited power to absolutism. We must distinguish between....those who to achieve their purposes can force the issue and those who must use persuasion. In the second case they always come to grief, having achieved nothing; when however they can force the issue, then they are seldom endangered.

The populace is always fickle; it is easy to persuade them of something but difficult to confirm them in that persuasion. Therefore one must usually arrange matters so that when they no longer believe they can be made to believe by force.

And so they turned the enormous gathering in favour of Trump - which the media were blacking out - by an obviously orchestrated or ‘helped along’ event of ‘storming’ the Capitol building, with a clearly deficient armed defence prepared for an extremely heightened day; and so it is the using of such dramatic and hyped events that is an instance of Machiavelli’s ‘arranging to believe by force.’ As he also wrote The nobles have more foresight and are more astute; they always act in time to safeguard their interests. They knew this march was coming, and they acted to safeguard and bolster their interests. To add however, they are exposed in the light like never before, which is most certainly not what they want.

Friday 8 January 2021


Do You Notice Anything Odd Here


So here we have one lone policeman. Firstly why was security so pathetic? But besides that we see the policeman in this terrifying moment have a cameraman at his back through the whole episode, and what a piece of good fortune on behalf of posterity, we see in the 18th second the protester has a photographer emerge from alongside him also! So not only was the policeman, whom The Guardian helpfully inform us was black, outnumbered by protesters, he was also outnumbered by the media. The very cutting edge of chaos. Thank God the revolution was televised.

And here is something a little bit more odd from the video below. It’s from a religious based site however much that may appeal to you, but look at 4:30 into the video and you will see a policeman not, in the crucial moments as you might expect, urging the crowds to stay back from the building but instead, like a traffic cop, urgently shepherding them towards it - “waving them in” as the presenter accurately describes it. The exact opposite behaviour from what should make legitimate sense.

Thursday 7 January 2021


There was a bucket of shit, and for some odd reason everyone began enthusing about this bucket - or at least everyone in a position to publicly enthuse and to proclaim that their enthusing encompassed fully the full circle of everyone.

It was set on the throne and all, or a great many, did homage. Why did they bow down? Was it just vanity? "If a bucket of shit is king, then how great must I myself be, for if I compare myself to a bucket of shit ... " - though needless to say if such a thought exists it should be kept very much to oneself, only allowing a hint of it to leak out every now and again, in passing.

But no, this is surely all much too cynical and complex. The answer must be that loyalty is the first and most beautiful  law of their nature - particularly the foremost enthusers - and if a bucket of shit is set on the throne, well then, it wouldn't have been placed there if it didn't deserve the honour. And even 'honour' is disrespectful - implies it is we who are honouring the bucket. No, it is we who are honoured.


A rope, and at each end people, pulling for all their apparent worth. A tug of war. But then someone sets fire to the middle of the rope, the flames begin to spread towards the ends so who’s going to want to hold on and pull now? Admittedly maybe the people at the ends will be happy to keep going for a while and see where things go, but the ones closer to the middle probably won’t be so keen. Maybe though they’re hoping the people on the other end will let go first. We’ll see what happens. Though I suppose just cos someone lets go doesn’t mean that’s an end to things. Maybe it will go all the way to the ends and the last persons standing, but then again one side may, the flames approaching, give in long before then.

Now that’s a Crowd


A view of the crowds that showed up in support of Donald Trump on January 6th in Washington. By contrast if Biden is at a rally you’ll notice the media are careful not to show the crowds because the numbers present are feeble, and the notion that this guy won by far the biggest number of votes ever in a US election is so blatantly farcical. Prior to this election no one had ever even got as many as 70 million votes, but Biden bypassed the 70s and skipped right on up to 81 million. Who the hell can believe this?

Wednesday 6 January 2021


 Satire exists for the very purpose of killing the social being, showing him what an inferior he is and, with all his parade of social honesty, how subtly and corruptly debased. Dishonest to life, dishonest to the living universe on which he is parasitic as a louse. By ridiculing the social being, the satirist helps the true individual, the real human being, to rise to his feet again and go on with the battle. For it is always a battle and always will be.

DH Lawrence

Though I should maybe go back to an earlier point in the essay John Galsworthy to Lawrence's idea of the social being. Firstly though this relates to something I wrote about the collective identity of these ‘social beings’: "Where vast numbers of existentially unreal people vainly endeavour through sheer weight of numbers to create one real collective entity within which to dwell." So these people need each other to affirm each other’s reality, because inwardly they feel, always gnawing at the edges of consciousness, the dubiousness of this external-based reality. There is a tremendous need for mutual affirmation of the external being dwelling on the external material plane - and so for example the selfie culture epidemic. If there I am visually then I must be real, and all the more so the more others also affirm this. Thus the celebrity has achieved greater reality by virtue of the amount of recognition given by others to their being. And the followers of this celebrity also presumably feel some deeper sense of reality by partaking in the offered external forms of their life, this ‘collective entity’ within which phenomenon the reality of everyone involved is in some sense mutually affirmed. Of course the inner reality, one’s direct experience of one’s living self is genuinely real, but that self is within a society losing itself within materialism and busy denying the inner self, and so the above are the kinds of manifestations which result from this. There really is a reality to everyone but it is misdirecting itself, and also being intentionally misdirected by controlling influences towards this external obsession.

What do we mean by a social being as distinct from a human being? Why can't we admit them as human beings? Why do we feel so instinctively that they are inferiors?
It is because they have lost caste as human beings, have sunk to the level of the social being, that peculiar creature that takes the place in our civilization of the slave in old civilizations...The fatal change today is the collapse from the psychology of the free human individual into the psychology of the social being, just as the fatal change in the past was a collapse from the freeman's psyche to the psyche of the slave.

Lawrence says of the true individual who has not poured his life into a false dead form that he "has at his core a certain innocence or naïveté which defies all analysis, and which you cannot bargain with, you can only deal with it in good faith from your own corresponding innocence or naïveté." The social being is contrarily a being of compromise, unreal, cut off from the universe. As Dostoevsky says in The Brothers Karamazov: "It sometimes happens that it is precisely (the odd man) who bears within himself the heart of the whole, while the other people of his epoch have all for some reason been torn away from it for a time by some flooding wind."

And so back to the satire that seeks to kill this social being, not the individual in whom this artificiality resides but the artificiality itself. Even in the absence of serious hopes of effecting any change with his words, the satirist you could say might as well for his own health pour what would otherwise become self-harming contempt into these forms of ridicule. So purely on that personal level it is a healthy release. Satire can be double-edged though; is a corrosive, and excessive immersion in the world of the contemptible social unreality works to harm the innocence of the satirist, and so there can be a fall into a poisonous state of perpetual revenge. 
As Nietzsche writes: "Why did you live so long in the swamp that you became a frog and a toad yourself." And the danger for the noble man is not "that he may become a good man - but that he may become an impudent one, a derider, a destroyer."

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Genius Crushed

Google, defender of human rights, dignity and free-speech for one and all, in its latest act of censorship in defence of said values has announced it is to ban geniuses from posting content on any of its platforms. “The ban is in name only,” they say, “as the phenomenon of the genius does not exist, but if it did exist it would be undemocratic, in violation of the principles of equality and a threat to freedom - yours and mine. What modern human society needs, now more than ever before, is that we all think in unison together about all that is relevant. Geniuses are infamous for not thinking in unison, and also, to add, most of these so-called geniuses like Mozart, Shakespeare, Rembrandt etc were apparently men, but they were only men because they lived in an era in which they did not have the choice to be women or transgender or even gender neutral which is discriminatory. And anyway we now have artificial intelligence.”

Monday 4 January 2021


 It’s a sunny day. ‘What’s wrong with that?’I didn’t say there was anything wrong with it! I suppose that reaction with all its knee-jerk suspiciousness is going off the assumption that writing, or maybe specifically my writing, is fuelled by things going wrong or being wrong, and so mention of the sunniness of the day could not be taken to be half so innocent but must hold some inner darkness as it were to unsettle the reader. I’m not sure how to respond to all that. Is it a fair accusation, and is there anything wrong with being guilty of that even if it is fair? Did I have some ulterior subversive intent concealed within? I doubt it. I’d say I just wrote it and hoped it would lead somewhere. Maybe it depends on the person saying it. Someone else and it would be accepted at face value, but someone else again, in this case me, and people go lifting up the words to see what lies underneath. I don’t know, maybe I deserve it, but given the genuine fact of the day’s being sunny here in the heart of winter, I’m off out into it.

Sunday 3 January 2021

George Soros Again

I haven’t honestly looked as much as I probably should into these kind of issues but George Soros is a man deeply associated with some very dubious agendas and their funding. This is a video of only a few minutes from some years back where he is interviewed in person, so the revelation of his character is straight from the horse’s mouth, and to be honest I’m almost speechless at what we see: namely the complete absence of any sign of a conscience or empathy in relation to some very extreme scenarios of human suffering - and unapologetically helping bring them about. Apart from feeling no compunction about inflicting dreadful wounds on the economies of entire nations for personal profit, he speaks of the year he spent profiteering as a teenager at the expense of fellow Hungarian Jews sent to the concentration camps as the happiest, most exhilarating time of his life. Then to add, the follow-up comedy of us being expected to believe this sociopathic freak is some deeply concerned philanthropist spending his billions for our mutual benefit - which notion you’ll meet with if you look him up. That someone may be an idealist doesn’t tell us anything about the nature of their ideals - Hitler for example was an idealist. Soros a very generous donor to the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, extremely influential in relation to the EU, and very vocal in his opposition to Donald Trump’s presence in the political arena, which yet again is telling. And below Nigel Farage discusses the influence of Soros in the European Union Parliament, and where some of his money goes:


Band of Brothers

  Maybe ever so slightly old but still very much of the moment.


 I’ll write briefly. Why briefly? Because of the limited time available. But is time really limited, there seems to be loads of it. Well yes there is, but I was more referring to my time available in the present, that’s limited. I’m not sure how much I’d believe that - my limited available time - but anyway. I suppose it serves a purpose, this short theoretical duration within which the writing happens, let’s say however long it takes to consume a mug of coffee without that coffee becoming too cold and the pleasure of it evaporating along with the lost heat ... It sets limits and puts some kind of shape on things that might otherwise become shapeless, and instead of inertia and shapelessness and maybe even nothingness out pours whatever. Admittedly this here having said all that might be all pretty shapeless but at least it is brief.

Saturday 2 January 2021


 “I tell you, sir, it’s very easy for Pyotr Stepanovich to live in the world, because he imagines a man and then lives with him the way he imagined him.”

Demons, Dostoevsky 

Which Way

 It’s hard to know which way to turn. Is it? Unless your movement is restricted for some reason or other and so indeed it is hard to turn, otherwise it’s more probably likely what is meant is it’s easy enough physically to turn, and in any way you want, but following up with movement the way you’ve turned is a different matter. You could keep turning in different directions as long as you want, and you might draw some little attention but no one would surely be offended, it’s all very harmless. But if you take off in some specific direction, unequivocally, following say some inner light that has ignited within, that could be something else entirely. People might be alarmed. You might even be alarmed yourself, but you keep going and even feed off the alarm. Who knows, you might even get people following you.

Friday 1 January 2021


 Imagine if this was the afterlife, and maybe it is. What do I mean? Isn’t it obvious - people have lived, died, and this is what came next. “That’s a bit depressing isn’t it?” Is it? I hadn’t thought of it like that. Maybe it’s uplifting.