Friday 22 January 2021

Keeping it Light

 Okay, I am going to try to avoid excessively serious subjects. I will keep it light - at least that’s the intention. How am I going to achieve that? By choosing my words wisely. I will only use neutral or comforting warm ones so as to stop things from somehow despite myself finding their way over into darker waters - for you can think you have a firm rein on things, but then a moment or two of looseness and you’ve gone all wrong, things are being implied and so on, and everyone is left floundering in the depths and yearning for the shallows.

I’m not sure how light all that is, not that it’s maybe all that heavy. Did you hear about the magic cow? It walked down the road and turned into a field. Now that’s more like it, but it was in fairness a bit kind of random. I don’t think I could exactly claim to have flowed seamlessly into this joke about the cow, but then again maybe it’s what was called for, however crudely we might have arrived at it. And maybe the safest thing now is to leave things at that.

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