Tuesday 5 January 2021

Genius Crushed

Google, defender of human rights, dignity and free-speech for one and all, in its latest act of censorship in defence of said values has announced it is to ban geniuses from posting content on any of its platforms. “The ban is in name only,” they say, “as the phenomenon of the genius does not exist, but if it did exist it would be undemocratic, in violation of the principles of equality and a threat to freedom - yours and mine. What modern human society needs, now more than ever before, is that we all think in unison together about all that is relevant. Geniuses are infamous for not thinking in unison, and also, to add, most of these so-called geniuses like Mozart, Shakespeare, Rembrandt etc were apparently men, but they were only men because they lived in an era in which they did not have the choice to be women or transgender or even gender neutral which is discriminatory. And anyway we now have artificial intelligence.”

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