Tuesday 12 January 2021

Steve Turley on Twitter Backlash

 What a shame that Twitter lost 5 billion dollars in value more or less overnight. Just to remind you, Twitter in the person of their CEO Jack Dorsey chose to interpret Trump saying he would not be at the inauguration as an unpardonable incitement to violence. I will not be going to the inauguration either. I realise, fool that I am, that this incendiary statement could land me in serious trouble with the police, or at least the digital equivalents, but I am willing to take that risk. 
I hadn’t been aware but besides the Twitter alternative Parler, which Google, Amazon and the gang have gone after to shut down, ever more exposing their nature, there is another Free Speech alternative platform Gab.com that is available and seemingly swiftly drawing huge crowds. 

And just to remind you of a quote from DH Lawrence I recently used in a post on Satire, which applies exactly to people like Dorsey and his ilk:

 Satire exists for the very purpose of killing the social being, showing him what an inferior he is and, with all his parade of social honesty, how subtly and corruptly debased. Dishonest to life, dishonest to the living universe on which he is parasitic as a louse. By ridiculing the social being, the satirist helps the true individual, the real human being, to rise to his feet again and go on with the battle. For it is always a battle and always will be.

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