Friday 22 January 2021

YouTube deleting thousands of dislikes from Joe Biden Videos

 Article here:

What a noble job: purposely editing the amount of Dislikes on videos on the official White House channel to try make it less obvious how incredibly unpopular the most apparently popular president ever is - going by votes received, or rather allocated.  I’ll just directly quote from the article, and at the page are screenshots to prove the phenomenon. If Google/YouTube and the gang don’t like reality, they alter it, though seeing as loads of people had already seen the numerous Dislikes, they probably couldn’t quite alter the figures as much as they’d like.

On some videos, YouTube’s purging of dislikes resulted in the dislike to like ratio temporarily dropping from 6.7 to 1.3 – a change that drastically alters the public perception of a video. When there are 6.7 dislikes for every like, a video seems wildly unpopular but when there are 1.3 dislikes for every like, it seems like the video is getting a mixed response from viewers.

“President Biden Signs Executive Orders and Other Presidential Actions” video

  • At 90,938 views: 12,000 dislikes, 1,800 likes, 6.7 dislike to like ratio
  • At 98,298 views: 2,500 dislikes, 2,000 likes, 1.3 dislike to like ratio
  • Change: -9,500 dislikes, +200 likes, -5.4 dislike to like ratio

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