Monday 4 January 2021


 It’s a sunny day. ‘What’s wrong with that?’I didn’t say there was anything wrong with it! I suppose that reaction with all its knee-jerk suspiciousness is going off the assumption that writing, or maybe specifically my writing, is fuelled by things going wrong or being wrong, and so mention of the sunniness of the day could not be taken to be half so innocent but must hold some inner darkness as it were to unsettle the reader. I’m not sure how to respond to all that. Is it a fair accusation, and is there anything wrong with being guilty of that even if it is fair? Did I have some ulterior subversive intent concealed within? I doubt it. I’d say I just wrote it and hoped it would lead somewhere. Maybe it depends on the person saying it. Someone else and it would be accepted at face value, but someone else again, in this case me, and people go lifting up the words to see what lies underneath. I don’t know, maybe I deserve it, but given the genuine fact of the day’s being sunny here in the heart of winter, I’m off out into it.

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