Wednesday 14 April 2021

Huge CNN Exposure

 Undercover footage could not be more damning about that “news” station being in reality a propaganda network devoid of journalistic integrity - not that should be a surprise to anyone, and also of course this extends so far beyond this one cretinous institution to so much of the media. CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester states pretty much directly they are the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, how they will essentially invent stories to further their hidden agendas - to for instance hurt Trump or help Biden - how their COVID coverage is targeted at intentionally stoking fear - “Fear sells” - and also how Climate Change is the next issue in line to be really ramped up. Genuinely bombshell stuff.
Just to add though, how anyone could at this stage consider these agendas to be hidden is a bit mystifying, and also the motives behind some of these issues go far beyond simply issues of ratings. The key point though here is the full exposure of their duplicity from their own mouths. The guy behind Project Veritas, James O’ Keefe, in interview about this below, and everyone involved, particularly the woman obtaining the footage, deserves huge kudos. You could, to add, even feel some sympathy for the guy Chester that gets caught out here, but on the ethics front whereas he admits to partaking in deeply unethical journalistic practices of false narratives and so on, here the story is what comes out from his own mouth, not the creation or fabrication of a story that would otherwise not exist.

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