Thursday 18 March 2021

The Flu

 “It’s wonderful news about the flu, isn’t it?”
“It is yeah. I heard it’s been wiped out.”
“Amazing yeah. Completely wiped out. After thousands of years, gone, just like that! And the flu can be very serious - so many people die from it every year.”
“But it was part of our culture. You’d miss it all the same. Imagine this year in Ireland, not a single recorded case of the flu. Absolutely unbelievable.”
“Yeah, it’s completely unbelievable. If only we’d always been doing these lockdowns, we could have wiped it out decades ago. After all, misery is a small price to pay for being safe. But I still can hardly believe it’s gone. Unbelievable.”
“It is, isn’t it. It’s unbelievable.”
“Yeah, you couldn’t believe it. I heard someone say they just started calling all the flu cases something else, but I wouldn’t believe that.”
“No, that’s unbelievable.”

* That above about not a single recorded case of the flu in Ireland sounded all a bit unbelievable to me so I fact checked it, and, unbelievably, it turned out to be true, at least anyway back in the height of flu season in December: 
I’m not sure if I’m really qualified to do this fact checking stuff, but I have to admit it does really give you an adrenaline rush. I can see why it’s caught on so much - unlike sadly the flu.

** I’ve a feeling the author of the above isn’t claiming there to be no Covid, but that he or she finds the total disappearance of the flu to be unbelievable.

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