Wednesday 31 March 2021

White Privilege

 It’s always a sad thing when self-righteous robots come undone.

And an interesting follow-up with the guy here David Webb. I’ve not exactly had my finger on the pulse, as this dates back a year and a half or so. One point to add is she agrees that she was insulting, but even here they are clearly at odds with the nature of the insult. For him the whole reduction to race is where the demeaning issue lies, but that is exactly what she is obviously intentionally doing, and so for her presumably the insult, which she agrees she has committed, lies in calling him white. Not just a natural human error but actually insulting, with the only sense to make from this is that being white is by definition shameful, and hence to be mistakenly called white is insulting. With the added irony that this probably originally emanates from the minds of white people ensconced within that bastion of ‘white privilege’ - academia. 
She is taking a supposed moral high-ground where she is by definition by skin colour a victim, while he refuses to be a victim, and very impressively responds in the second video that he is not interested in what is going on in other people’s minds, whether they have racist blinkers or not. This is not an avenue of empowerment for his life.

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