Wednesday 16 June 2021

North Korean versus US Indoctrination - Which is More Extreme?

 I posted this recently of KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov from the mid 1980s, and talking of how incredibly quick and widespread was the leftist indoctrination of the US.

Here is a defector from North Korea and escapee from sex-slavery talking of how having got to the US and loving the country, she finds to her horror the indoctrinating and thought control within an Ivy League campus is as bad or perhaps even more oppressive than growing up under the system of North Korea.

But why focus on the US so much? Because there isn’t much hope for the rest of the world if the US goes fully under. And there is a genuine and growing virile awakening and awareness there now of what is happening and what is at stake. There is a quote from George Soros, one of the most heralded figures in the push towards the Great Reset and a system of absolute tyranny: “The main obstacle to a just world order is the United States.” You’d have to be very naive to bow down to such a man’s notion of what equates to a just world order; and that quote in itself shows how important the US is with all this.

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