Friday 11 June 2021


 This will be brief. In the future? Yes, and I suppose in the present. It will be brief in the present. 
It didn’t take long for things to get unusual. That’s what you get for refusing to harness your brain to the serious and accepted things of reality. Your thought processes become degenerate and yield strange fruits. And someone might come along and pick up one of those fruits and become infected with the strangeness. Imagine my sense of guilt after that. But maybe you’re sceptical about my sense of guilt, which is understandable. I’m the one who yielded such fruit in the first place. If I was so worried about someone coming along and tasting of it, what was I doing yielding and strewing it around the place? I’d have been more careful. And even if it it important for me to let such outpourings as these out of my inner self, to release them, that doesn’t have to mean I have to leave them around the place for other selves to inadvertently encounter them. 
Unfortunately for now I haven’t time to ponder this further, and will instead just leave it lying around.

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