Thursday 10 June 2021

Spielberg, An Honourable Man

 For quite a while until six or so months ago I was avoiding news and current affairs pretty diligently and successfully, so I missed this above story and video, from its original airing a year and a bit ago the first time around. It seems the absolute perfect embodiment of the spiritual core of Hollywood, and the wealthy ‘privileged’ left. You can’t get much more privileged, you might have thought, than to grow up a child of Steven Spielberg. That should be a roadmap for success, the best of educations, and protected from the harsher realities of life. Instead, amidst this ultra-privileged life, she is it seems a serious victim of child abuse, and later as a young adult goes on to decide to make porn videos - and to add whist being engaged to be married. I think we can be pretty certain this career choice is not coming from a healthy inner place. And what is the wonderful, protective and loving father Mr Spielberg doing about all this? Well he’s busy making a film about the dangers of Donald Trump. What a man. What a father. What an utter ... 
Just to add, not that I’ve kept up with his body of work, but I don’t think he’s made any films about the dangers, especially for children, of being around the environs and people of Hollywood.

If someone is experienced as a real threat to the world and values of these kinds of people, the chances are they are doing something very right.

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