Saturday 22 January 2022

Immune System

The immune system recognises and fights off presences hostile to the health of the body. It doesn’t, when working efficiently, tolerate such harmful presences, it aggressively repels them. We should probably behave much the same with what we allow into ourselves in terms of what we watch or allow in on the level of intellect or spirit - a daily diet of mainstream news propaganda or whatever drivel. Loads of things aren’t just allowed pour in to us that we are failing to recognise as harmful or superfluous, and mess with our well being. Obviously the same should apply at the level of society. Tolerating or failing to recognise and deal with toxicity isn’t a positive. Thinking it is a positive is itself a manifestation of a compromised immune system. Our bodies shouldn’t fight off the cancer cells invading the body - that would be intolerant. Let everything in!

It’s probably a general principle that if you tolerate toxicity without an attitude of engagement and repelling, if this process is allowed see itself out to its conclusion, you end with a toxicity that tolerates nothing but toxicity! Thus at the level of the body, the cancer overwhelms the system to the point of death. Summing those mad times up very crudely, the Weimar Republic tolerated the Nazis, then amidst this spirit of tolerance and compromise, the Nazis took over and tolerated nothing but Nazism.

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