Sunday 16 January 2022


“You know within Christianity the opposing spirit is the anti-Christ, and this can to a large degree generally be equated with the worldly powers, and what governs them. That’s even one of the temptations by the devil of Jesus in the wilderness - rule over the kingdoms of the world. 
In life for Christians, the most important thing is of course not allegiance to the body, which will die, but allegiance to Christ. If fear for the body and allegiance to the world came first, then Christianity would have died as soon as Christ’s followers saw him condemned to death and executed as a criminal. To be a Christian was to go against the world, and even its laws. The same later under Roman authorities who persecuted Christians viciously. For such believers to obey the world would here be to disown God, and for Christianity to effectively die.
So anyway there is by definition within this faith a state of war always going on between the spirit of Christ and that of anti-Christ, and the spirit of anti-Christ wants to totally defeat Christ and his church - to shut it down. To crush the entire faith.”
“Well I suppose so yeah, though this all gets watered down now so as not to offend our sensibilities! Spirituality has to be cosy without any ordeals or opposing forces.”
“What is a very blatant sign current worldly authorities are of the spirit of anti-Christ?”
“Tell me.”
“They shut down the churches. And what is a great sign the churches were of the same spirit, or subject to it?”
“They agreed to it.”
“An awful lot of stuff has been revealed all right. For a few weeks it might have seemed fair enough, but after that it was just ridiculous. It all brings to mind that quote : “Because you are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm, I spit you out of my mouth.”

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