Tuesday 14 December 2021


 An unlikely and unpleasant incident occurred at a recent MTV music awards ceremony involving members of the groups Fake News Shitstorm and Deep State Cabal, both of whom were present at the time. Everything in the ceremony was going smoothly; there was music, jokes, erotic dancing by the girls of Depopulation Agenda during what appeared to be some kind of strange occult ritual, there were women and a few men wearing dresses made of meat - elegance and good taste abounded. But, in the very midst of all this serenity, things were about to kick off. Brace yourselves.

After an ad break it is alleged the drummer of Fake News Shitstorm did not have his mask properly fixed to his face during a time period when it should have been, and this was in full view of the public for several minutes as he came in and out of shot - the MTV producers and camera people somehow not awake to the issue. During the next ad break, Klaus SSchwab, lead singer of Deep State Cabal, angrily confronted Fake News Shitstorm for the inappropriate behaviour of their band mate, whilst also, in German, berated the MTV team in an oratorical style vaguely reminiscent of that of a well-known former German  historical figure from the 1930s and 40s. 

After an initial awkward and shocked silence, Fake News Shitstorm accused SSchwab of being a megalomaniacal bully, always pushing people around, and it wasn’t the job of Fake News Shitstorm just to bow down and serve the interests of Deep State Cabal - to which SSchwab responded, or rather roared, this was exactly their role. (The two groups are part of the same record label, Deception, and perhaps SSchwab was referring to internal politics and priorities of said label.) 

All this chaos and scandal may well have simply been in the heat of the moment - these award ceremonies can be very tense and demanding affairs - but the dispute escalated to the point that MTV were forced to continue the ad break for an uncomfortably long time. When coverage returned, the drummer was double masked, kept in place with what looked like duct tape, and was socially distanced to an apparent and obvious degree. The camera lingered on him for a few seconds, perhaps to help make some subliminal point to the viewership.

The Fact Checkers, who were also present, have offered to look into the available footage to try to assess and offer impartial judgement regarding the full truth of things. 

When pressed for a comment, the lead singer of The Populace, who were sat in a dark corner in the back somewhere, said he and the band had no clue what was going on but they were glad anyway to have just got an invite.

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