Sunday 19 December 2021


A few thoughts around money:

Money is a symbol representing kinetic energy - the ability to do things with it, in which case one exchanges one’s store of kinetic energy for actualised energy, e.g. a product one buys or one pays someone for their time and effort regarding some cause. So work within a money based system is the acquirement of kinetic energy.
Money is power = money is a symbol for potential power. “Your money is no good here.” Your symbol for power here has no power! 
“You can’t take it with you” - as in bringing this money with you into a next world. Think of someone who does manage to take it with them into a next world. They are delighted with themselves but then are told “Your money is no good here.” They are left with a symbol that doesn’t represent anything!
Counterfeit money is a fake or illegitimate symbol for power. It has power if it is wrongly ‘recognised’ as real; has no power, or even negative power in terms of consequences, if it is recognised as false. The same with lies. Think of the fake/propagandist news!
All money has power only if it is recognised as real. Once that recognition goes, like a dead language, it dies. Someone is rich because they possess large recognised amounts of a symbol for potential energy. In a cashless society, someone is considered an “enemy of the state”, and these stores of potential energy can disappear at a digital stroke. Think of a suddenly very prescient thought: “No one will be able to buy or sell without the mark.” In other words, they are excluded from participation within the economic world. Their money is no good - they don’t have any money! Thus the idea of the desirability of such “enemies” to have parallel economic worlds, as one might see mentioned but wondered a little about what is meant. This extending into spheres such as their own educational and informational worlds and so on.

Anyway, I’ll stop myself here.

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