Monday 6 December 2021


Not content merely to unload on the world their musical outpourings, the band Fake News Shitstorm are releasing a large format book upon the Christmas market titled Riding the Shitstorm. It will be an interactive experience at the sensual and intellectual levels, explained the band. “We were specifically aiming to tap into different parts of our fans’ brains for the holiday season. Conceptually. We were tempted to call it Riders on the Shitstorm - after The Doors - but then we changed it to Riding the Shitstorm in case we were accused of being too derivative. Hopefully people will still get the connection. It also anyway makes more sense we were told in terms of publishing logistics to have one less word in the title - even if it’s just a small word.”

Whoopi Goldberg, Bono and Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen, the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union, collaborated to provide a blurb for the book: “This book is informative, entertaining and sensitive to the feelings of vulnerable minorities. It would be a great stocking filler - but you might need a big stocking!” That’s just a couple of sentences from it. There is actually one more sentence but I can’t include it here for copyright reasons.

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