Tuesday 28 December 2021

Why Can’t Progressivism Stop Itself

Why, you might be wondering, does progressivism have to get so unhinged? Why can’t it stop at some relatively decent point which respectable, educated people can be happy to support and get behind, and feel pleased with themselves while doing so - it’s a mark of their development, their sophistication. But no, the progressivism has to spoil everything by abandoning this elegant bourgeois encampment, so to speak, and it moves in full voice on ever further into more and more unhinged territories; and for all your desires to go along with them - because all this had seemed so daring and sophisticated - now you know deep down - and it’s not all that deep - it’s none of these things (sophistication, etc) - no, it’s just deranged.

So why couldn’t the progressives, the ones at the forefront, simply have pleased everyone and, as said, stop at some respectable point of development, agree that here was far enough, and there was no need to go any further? Everyone is satisfied, no one is embarrassed, we can bask in each other’s glow.

Well, it’s all very simple and obvious. It’s all in the name: progressivism. What does progressivism have to do to remain itself? It has to keep progressing. Itself is itself in motion. It can’t stop or else it’s no longer progressive. So if you want to be loyal I’m afraid there’s no getting off, else you’re immediately a reactionary, a traitor to the cause. “But I went so far!” You can never go far enough. (Still maybe you can just try quietly getting off and if you’re very lucky no one will notice.)

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