Tuesday 19 October 2021


Restrictions on civil liberties were for months scheduled to significantly lessen in Ireland on October 22nd. What a surprise that at the last moment this lovely dangling carrot has been pulled from the public and instead that day of comparative liberty switched to February. Who could have seen that coming? I am truly taken by surprise, and while I was initially a little disappointed - as well as surprised - I have managed to shift psychological gears and am now really looking forward to whatever day it is in February.  I’m not quite sure what precise day it is in February that has now been promised us because I have a rare condition where I am susceptible to an extreme allergic reaction in the spirit when I encounter mainstream news outlets - and so I have to be careful by what means I try to discover certain things. Interestingly, for whatever reasons, I suspect this condition is becoming less rare amongst us all as time goes on. It feels a bit like being defiled by something unclean, and that’s not pleasant.

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