Friday 29 October 2021


The more an animal begins to break free of control, such as a wild horse, the more extreme the measures to try to break it and keep it under control. There is a point in this though where the animal is in such a state of rebellion that force only exacerbates the state of total conflict between the two parties, and there is no hope of reconciliation by these methods.
The more tamed an animal is, the less the need for forcing it to submit to the owner’s dictates since its nature has become to more or less automatically submit, though even here it may have its small moments of revolt.

Is what is happening now the attempt by the ‘ruling elites’ to curb a sense of movement of freedom and release from control, and so reactive; or, which seems more true, much more an unprovoked aggressive motion towards total tyrannical control. At the surface level the second seems much more the case, that they are totalitarian at their core and we are seeing this core simply in extreme action, but maybe it’s not so simple. Maybe they also have a sense of losing control and are in a rush to break the wild animal before it is too late. 

Most especially the entrance of Donald Trump into the political arena would have induced this sense of losing control, as up till then in the US the two political choices were very much of that one ‘elite’ world, with the idea of rogue elements antagonistic to their agendas breaking through to real political power being more or less inconceivable. This truth of the rigged system laughably obvious when psychopath neo-cons team up with Democrats against Trump in recent issues related to all the above. The neo-cons and Democrats were no threat to each other but Trump was/is a threat to both of them, because the Bushes and Clintons and so on are essentially of one and the same world.

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