Tuesday 5 October 2021

Facebook Shutdown, etc X22

Dave of X22 Report has stressed for some time that there is an information war going on, so to realise as a whole the big tech companies and mainstream media/fake news are of the globalist, deep state cabal. That might sound comparatively benign but in intent and nature it really is a war. The reason for this post and link is Dave has been saying recently how we were soon going to start seeing massive internet shutdowns when felt necessary by those forces try to stop or control the floods of information coming out, and so that came to mind when hearing of Facebook’s shutdowns yesterday. That issue is of course addressed in his program, and how the shutdown would be superficially tied in to the sham of a whistleblower, who is deeply tied to leftist politics and whose allegations imply Facebook should be more dictatorial against issues like vaccine scepticism. What a whistleblower! We need more control and authoritarianism. Taking down the system! 
And of course real powerful information antagonistic to these elements isn’t going to be aired on their own flagship platforms such as 60 Minutes. 

Anyway here’s the latest X22 Report show: https://rumble.com/vnbr73-ep.-2592b-communication-blackout-on-a-massive-scale-pain-and-truth-coming-b.html As usual the show properly starts about 1:30 in.

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