Thursday 28 October 2021

Fauci Torturing Animals Because He Cares

You might think the kinds of people who would be behind the kinds of practices mentioned in this video are sick, evil sadists, but in reality they only do such things because they are so obsessed with the well-being of humanity. Who knows what benefits might accrue from the willingness to torture innocent animals for no apparent reason? Trust them. Trust them. Trust them.

Fauci has of course also been lying through his teeth about funding research by the benevolent Chinese Communist Party into developing certain powerful viruses, but don't let that bother you. Again the source for all that was a passion for humanity’s well-being. If we could successfully develop powerful viruses, then we could learn from them and be safe. I think that’s the logic. Fauci’s actual words some time back was the benefits of such research were “worth a pandemic.” Because otherwise who knows what kind of harm might accrue within an alternative reality where the Chinese Communist Party didn’t do such research. I’m a bit hazy about the logic contained therein but I’m sure there’s some hidden in there somewhere.

And he also said if you have a problem with him, you have a problem with science because he and science are one and the same! Any scientist putting forward any theories of their own in the academic environment should use this argument in future to ward off any criticism of their theories. “I am a scientist. Therefore if you criticise me, you’re anti science.”
Just to emphasise, Fauci really did say exactly that in response to criticisms. He had also promised a surprise viral outbreak was definitely going to occur that the Trump administration would have to deal with, and, what a surprise, so it did. If he knew for sure it was going to happen, then how could it be a surprise? Odd for a scientific man to be so ignorant in his use of language, but also to be so certain and accurate in his foreknowledge about something that, since it would be a surprise, couldn’t be known.

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