Monday 23 August 2021

Media Again, Biden

I obviously, for anyone who’s read a few of my posts here, have a very deep dislike of the media in general, that in broad terms it is an organ of oppression, fear, dishonesty, etc. And even where there are outlets where some measure of more serious truth emanate, such as with Tucker Carlson at Fox, still coming from on high there is a lid on the levels of truth permitted - such as the very obvious fact of voter fraud, or where Fox presenters denied Newt Gingrich permission to talk about the effects and influence of George Soros. Still some truth is better than none, though with the downside being that it can present the illusion that the whole truth at the deepest levels is genuinely on display.

The point of this though is not that I’m going to start looking into what relevant organisations are saying now, but I wonder how these relevant fake media people and outlets are dealing with the full exposure of whoever the hell Joe Biden is, after their entire focus for years was to get this guy, clearly utterly unfit for office, into office. In terms of the interests of humanity, these people are traitorous. “That’s unfair! Who could have known he and his administration would be so corrupt and divorced from reality?” Anyone who had just watched a few clips on YouTube would have known this. For example:

What the hell kind of person are we dealing with here? The mind of someone who would imagine this a good anecdote to tell (and who terms black children “roaches”) . . .

“I’m not sure about the hairy legs and the roaches story, Mr Biden.” 
“Are you kidding me? The voters will love it! And anyway, everyone needs to need to know how I learned about kids jumping on my lap.” 

And the media in a worldwide scale by and large fed the public relentlessly that the world absolutely had to get Trump out and get this person in - and in this cause absolutely doctored what people got to see so as to present him as legitimate - when there’s plenty stuff out there to show he clearly had deteriorating cognitive issues. We had departed any kind of rational universe. And this is Newt Gingrich on the magisterial Biden below:

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