Sunday 28 February 2021

Equality Act, Democrats, Madness, Brett Easton Ellis

Rand Paul questions Democrat about the Equality Act which from the little I’ve seen about it actually seeks to enable children from basically any age, as in for example 4 years old, to decide on taking steps to change sex, and where parents have no rights whatsoever to intervene. This is simply demented. Who the hell would imagine children have the requisite maturity to take such utterly life-defining and drastic steps? 
To quote again from the revolutionary figure Pyotr Verkhovensky in Dostoevsky’s novel Demons, “I can get them to go through fire if I just yell at them that they are not liberal enough.” The zombie-like responses Paul gets from Rachel Levine is vey telling in itself.

The mindset behind this is deranged. I saw a few minutes of the writer Bret Easton Ellis, author of American Psycho, talking of how he used to be more or less apolitical in terms of being interested in that world, though certainly Democrat-leaning rather than Republican, but it was seeing the crazy way the media were going after Donald Trump that made him aware something very strange was going on; and also how the Democrats are certainly now something very different from what they used to be, and, by obvious deduction from their actions, in their ideological engine-room are so extreme as to be basically nuts. I might as well post that video altogether also. This the ten minutes extract I’ve seen from the hour long piece, which can easily be found if interested. 

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