Monday 1 February 2021


 Who knows, maybe there are some people who read some of what is written here, and for those so familiar with some recent past posts, I came across some small interesting thing, relevant to here, in Dostoevsky’s Demons just a while ago. I have done a few posts based around randomly opening this novel and seeing where my gaze lands - maybe it will be loosely relevant to whatever is being written or broadly thought about - and interestingly it has been relevant, and even to a very striking degree. And so the following from Demons: 

Mechanically he opened a thick book that was lying on the table (he sometimes did divinations this way, by a book, opening it at random and reading on the right-hand page, three lines from the top).

I have read this novel before, and more than once, but still quite a while back and I honestly have no recollection of that single sentence - which in a book of over 700 pages is hardly surprising; and I doubt very much there was some subconscious connection inducing the energetic parallel. 

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