Saturday 18 September 2021

Progressive Education Takes a Hit


Regarding the kind of people and mindsets involved here the line from the revolutionary character, Pyotr Verkhovensky, in Dostoevsky’s novel of the early 1870s Demons yet again comes to mind where he talks of how easy it is to manipulate those under his influence: “I can get them to go through fire if I just yell at them that they are not liberal enough.”

One of the key underlying thoughts of that book, as suggested by its title alone, is that this progressivism involves a kind of demonic possession of its acolytes in terms of the true source and substance of these thoughts. Thus might be far from apparent early on, but as one ‘progresses’ along its pathways, then things start to become much more apparent - as shown in the essence of this little clip. Any sane mind you’d have thought of some kind of moral core would however innocently misled earlier in the ideological journey, would wake up to the darkness when they are asked to partake in the serious sexual subversion of children, but part of the problem is is that that very immersion in this world is progressively subverting the minds and clarity of those participating within it. In coming into agreement with something sick, for many their infection denies them of the clarity to revolt against it.

 Thus all an arch-priest of the movement like Verkhovensky, based loosely on the real figure of Sergei Nechaev, has to do is yell at the others that they are not liberal enough. Thus for this school board, participating in something as sick as child porn is good because it is part of the overall movement, and in truth the more liberal something is the better, the more pure a manifestation of liberalism, and so any qualms about child porn are to be put aside. 

See liberalism as a doctrine never reaches an end point. It always has to go further, and the further it goes the more ‘pure’ it is, and the nature of it is revealed to be. Thus for instance reading matter about bestiality would be a few steps further down the pathway of the education curriculum if the direction were continued, because that of course would be even more liberal, and a more undistilled manifestation of the spirit behind it.

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