Thursday 28 December 2023


Woke Pope Francis has a new book coming out in the coming weeks, going under the title of Opium of the People - Why I Am a Communist. Profits from the book will go towards defeating climate change, with any remaining monies spent on the dissemination of gender ideology amongst the all but forgotten native peoples of East Timor. 

“Regardless of whatever obscure backwater anyone may inhabit, in our advancement along the glorious tramlines of Progress it is imperative that no man or woman, or whomsoever they may identify as, be left behind, drowning in the deep, dark sewers of ignorance,” declared a Vatican spokesperson. 

It is believed that the fate of the forgotten peoples of East Timor have had a special place in the mind and heart of Woke Pope Francis ever since he became converted to Marxism many moons ago.

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