Wednesday 1 November 2023

Think Their Way Out Of It

“There was this white van driving around, and it would screech to a halt, or just stop anyway, maybe quickly, and out would jump two big fellas and grab people and throw them in the back of the van. And they were driven to this big building and everyone together inside in this room, and along came this authoritative looking fella in a suit and says to them, ‘This here where you’ve ended up is a madhouse, and you’ll stay here until you succeed in thinking your way out of it.’”
“That’s all very dramatic. And did it take them long to think their way out of it?”
“Very long. In fact no one ever succeeded in thinking their way out of it.”
“Why is that? Were they not clever enough?”
“No, they might have been very clever, some of them, but you see no matter how much thinking you do, it doesn’t actually physically move you anywhere.”
“Oh. So they couldn’t think their way out of it?”
“No. However much thinking they’d do, they’d still be in the madhouse. If they thought to themselves ‘I’ll just walk out,’ and then did walk out, that would have got them out, if no one stopped them, but the thinking along was never going to work.”
“So what was going on in the head of the fella that set them the task?”
“I’ve no idea. Maybe he really thought they could think their way out of it, or maybe he was just laughing at them.”

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