Saturday 11 November 2023

Counterculture Establishment News

News of an exciting project by the some of the most famous and wealthy counter-cultural musical icons of our modern era has just reached our unworthy ears, and which news we are honoured and excited to pass on to you. Working in close collaboration with all kinds of authorities, and calling themselves Rock Stars Against Freedom, their first outpouring, amongst apparently a whole plethora of plans, is a slightly modified release of Neil Young’s classic song, Helpless, lyrics adjusted for the times and now autobiographically titled Gutless. In homage to days of yore, there is also a b-side to the record: We’re So Spiritual We’ll Do Literally Anything to Try to Stay Alive. 

Proof of vaccination status will be required before purchase of the record. “We have to set the highest standards for compliance, and not bow down to the demands for freedom from the mob.”
The group have issued a introductory manifesto in tandem with the release, reproduced below: 

Humanity’s only hope is complete faith in and obedience to the political establishment. The erosion of civil liberties is vital to our survival, and any deluded and dangerous dissidents should either shut up or be sent to camps and never be heard from again. These are the kinds of things needed to help make our planet, our Gaia, a safe space for all.
Keep safe, informed and plugged into the mainstream media. Stay away from misinformation!

Peace, love and rock n’ roll  forever. ❤️🌞❤️ We are the Resistance. Namaste.

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