Wednesday 14 June 2023

Novak and the World


I think this man has been amazing in these deranged times - where the same people telling us to follow the science, bow down and inject their concoctions - which don’t stop you getting the thing they’re supposed to vaccinate you against - or else we’ll try to make life impossible for you, well these are the same people pushing hard insane agendas like men can give birth, let your child pick its sex, this is the key to their happiness, and so on. 
Anyway as Djokovic says, “A hundred times I would rather be myself than to go along with the system.”

And as for why he attracts so much hatred, in the Gospel of John Jesus says: “Everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.” Or earlier in this is written: “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
And Nietzsche writes in Thus Spoke Zarathustra: “Before you they feel themselves small, and their baseness glimmers and glows against you in hidden vengeance. You are a bad conscience to your neighbours.”

Cowardice is ultimately evil, or in alliance with it since this cowardice will align with the darkness, not the light. And here, deep down, the kind of people Djokovic is talking of know they are cowards, and his authenticity and courage is the light that exposes their darkness - the sin of their cowardice and complicity.  And thus the system or  “the world”, as Christ says, will hate him. I’m not saying by the way everyone who took the jab, or got manipulated into it is a coward, but everyone who aligns themselves ultimately in their soul with “the system” or “the world”:most certainly is.
And below is another brilliant short piece from Dave Rubin on Novak:

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