Friday 23 December 2022

What Happened to Feminism

Why would people of either sex who considered themselves advocates of women’s rights, of feminism in general, then bow down to allowing men compete as women in women’s sports, of males saying they are female and using female’s restrooms and changing rooms, and so on? 

One story lately regarding sports is of Aspen Hoffman who finished 72nd in  Seattle cross-country league finals as a boy. He then switched to competing as a girl for his school, Seattle Academy, and finished first, breaking the school’s record for girls at that distance, though if competed as a boy, with that same time Aspen would apparently have come 48th. 

There’s other obviously inevitable stories of girls being sexually assaulted in their own restrooms, with their being put in danger seemingly of no consequence to the former typical advocates of women’s rights. Being an advocate of women’s rights of course must recognise the considerable discrepancy physically between the two sexes, and hence the safeguarding of girls’ and women’s vulnerability in this regard. This safeguarding has however by the vanguard of the modern left or liberals or progressives has been simply discarded, and a toxic position of supposed equality adopted, and a male just having to say he’s a female, and oh well, so much for the women’s rights we were championing a minute ago.

So why has this been happening and allowed to happen? I’ll try and be simple and brief. The fuel for the furthering of leftist ideologies has always been to employ a dynamic of victims and oppressors. Even though the origins of intellectual theories of socialism is from the educated bourgeoisie, for instance in the first wave of socialism in the Soviet Union, it was all supposedly about workers’ rights, who were by definition absolutely good, while the “decadent bourgeoisie” were absolutely bad. The ideology is intentionally utterly opportunistic however, and so we saw recently in Canada how the truck drivers were utterly demonised by the liberal left, their bank accounts frozen and so on. So much for the formerly sanctified workers whose cause was the highest of causes. The working classes have long ceased to be considered useful fuel and apt “victims” for the movement, whose goal is a state of totalitarian rule with no opposition tolerated - hence “cancel culture”where opposition is cancelled. Demonise the opposition, silence them, freeze their bank account, send them to the gulag - that kind of stuff. Of course there’s loads of misguided, well-intentioned proponents of the cause, but let’s say there’s a car going somewhere; we’ll the thoughts in the heads of passengers about where they might be going doesn’t change the nature of the destination!

So, as said, it’s a completely opportunistic ideology where the ends justify the means - the ends being total rule with no opposition permitted. So the media for example is intentionally a propagandist tool, not a truth tool, in their hands. The cementing of power is always the reason for everything. That is “truth” within this system. Think of a factory producing packets of corn flakes. So “truth” here, the whole meaning of everything in the factory, is the efficient churning out of packets of corn flakes. A worker can’t imagine he can in this environment strive to produce cans of beans instead, Within socialism, the one party totalitarian state is “truth”. That’s why a relatively apolitical writer like Boris Pasternak after writing Dr Zhivago could and did find himself in trouble for deviating from that truth. An artist should of course be serving truth, striving for it, but that’s not “truth” within a progressive, leftist state! 

So anyway in the dynamic of victims to be championed and oppressors to be demonised and defeated, workers were useful, now discarded as not useful - and of course there is little more unpleasant to the typical bourgeois liberals than actual contact with the working classes! So race is especially of late, massively pushed as fuel in the dynamic. And here we come back to the starting point of this piece. Women and their rights used to fit like a glove in the victim/oppressor dynamic, but in this utterly opportunistic ideology or mode of being, transgenderism is now considered, for various undermining reasons, the more useful fuel as victims, and so tough luck to the female athletes at Seattle Academy. We used to love you but now we don’t give a shit. And so the feminism advocates recognise, perhaps subconsciously, that females have been superseded in the hierarchy of victimhood, and so they roll over and stay quiet, or even champion the beauty new cause.

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