Sunday 18 September 2022

Self-Righteousness Again, Tantrums

Why are what we call liberals so incapable of dealing with adversity or contradictions to their will? There’s loads of videos I could pick as undignified examples of this, but I’ll just make do with the assertion of this as truth. Because - and this is very much related to the last post on self-righteousness ( ) - the ideology as a whole it is an ideology of the exaltation of the self’s personal desires; rather than the humbling of self in the search of deep truth, the exaltation of self, its desires, its search for pleasures. 

Think of a toddler or young child throwing a tantrum. Why this awful performance? It’s a response to the failure of his will to be the dominant mover of reality - and it seems to me it generally is much more likely to be a boy than a girl, probably as the exertion of the will is much more the archetypal masculine energy than the feminine. So the child’s parents haven’t succumbed to his holy will, and took him home from the playground, didn’t buy a bar of chocolate, whatever, and thus the awful screaming. . . His self should be exalted as the highest value in life, and the tantrum is the enraged reaction to reality not bending to his will, which he feels is and of course unquestionably should be the highest value in life. He also hopes that through the awfulness of the tantrum, making life hell for those around him, he may yet gain victory and be given in to. The sulk, and this kind of behaviour obviously can go on right through life, is another potential step in this process. “I’ll make life miserable for . . . (whoever is denying my will), and perhaps eventually I willwear them down and triumph.” And the willingness to keep this behaviour can go on a hell of a long time!

So with liberalism, especially as it gets ever more pathetic and toxic, there most certainly is no God or ascetic ideal to succumb or attain towards; instead this ideology’s legions are subconsciously fed the relentless idea that the self and its pleasures is the highest value, and obviously enough given the very people and traits all this is appealing to is to is narcissistic, self-absorption, well then here we meet again essentially the response again of the toddler to his will not being placated to as the centre of the universe.

A follow-on question is if the selfhood and its will is the highest value, why the seemingly intrinsic phenomenon that people of this ideological spectrum are typically so servile when it comes to the powers that be imposing restrictions on the individual’s will and rights: perfectly willing compliance to lockdowns, masks, forced “vaccinations”, etc. I might have a look at that another time, but just to mention Aldous Huxley seems to have covered this very thing in Brave New World, where in that projected future society, the desires of the self are wholly related to the physical and especially sensual self, whereas the desire for spiritual or inner independence from society is usually and ideally non-existent.

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