Sunday 20 March 2022

Zelensky, Comedy, neo-Nazism, Kolomoysky

Ihor Kolomoysky is a Ukrainian oligarch who is a major financial backer of the Azov battalion in Ukraine, who are justifiably termed neo-Nazis and who who model themselves in certain obvious ways on the Hitler SS. President Volodymyr Zelensky has for years had very close ties to Kolomoysky, even being referred to by his political opponent, then President Poroshenko, as “Kolomoysky’s puppet.”And here is the kind of bizarre fact that should certainly never happen but has seemingly become some kind of norm in today’s world. Zelensky came to public fame for playing the part of a president in a sit-com called Servant of the People, broadcast on a channel owned by Kolomoysky. And now he really is the President! What were the odds on that sequence of events? Quite long probably. Presumably this comedian got a taste for the presidential life whilst playing the role for laughs in the sitcom: “I think I could do this also in real life,” he might have told himself. Admittedly it was probably closer to the truth that it’s the likes of Kolomoysky who told themselves, “I think Zelensky could maybe act this part also in real life.” 

 Kolomoysky became governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region after the Obama administration effected a coup, using the help of neo-Nazi elements, in 2014 to overthrow the previous government. Kolomoysky had to resign after being very blatantly caught using some of his militias in a very thuggish manner in the world of business.

A page on the Azov group below from a Jewish focused site from 2018 about Ukrainian Nazism, and from which the snippet below is taken:

Ukraine’s State-Sponsored “Azov Battalion” Expands Use of Nazi-Inspired Symbols

Azov’s first leader was Andriy Biletsky, a man referred to as the “white chief” who once wrote that “the historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival. A crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen [‘subhumans’]

And a very interesting article on all this and in much more depth here:

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