Sunday 20 March 2022

Zelensky, Coma

Regarding that last post a thought just struck me, not that it actually struck me … imagine a woman in Ukraine from just a few years ago and the comedian Volodymyr Zelensky is playing the role of the President in the sitcom Servant of the People. Unfortunately some dreadful accident results in a head injury and this person goes into a coma. Her spouse though has both money and faith, and in spite of all medical proclamations of hopelessness, the machines are not turned off, and life, such as it is, goes on. And miraculously, several years later, this person emerges from her coma. 

From her hospital bed a television set can be seen, it is occasionally turned on and there still is Zelensky in that sitcom, playing the role of the President. Ratings must still be good. It is after all a pretty good comedy. But no, you don’t understand, everyone struggles to explain, it is yes Zelensky, but now he is no longer playing the role of the President in a sitcom. Now he really is the President. What?! The poor woman doesn’t know who or what she can trust. Is this some kind of weird afterlife in which she now finds herself? Is her memory warped, is she gone mad? Are all these people playing some kind of elaborate trick on her? The only thing she does know is the idea that that comedian from that sitcom is now the real President can’t possibly make sense.

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