Tuesday 30 November 2021

Energy and Rights

I’m not hopefully going to make a kind of essay or argument out of this idea …

In science the preservation of energy means energy doesn’t just disappear. So many variables in even the simplest of physical actions, a ball is kicked or a billet fired, equal and opposite reactions - so again energy isn’t dissolving, and is all accountable for in some sense.
Equate this to an issue like people’s rights being taken away from them. Rights here equates in a more subtle sense to energy, perhaps kinetic energy also. If rights are taken away, that means energy is moving from one place to another, those rights/energy don’t simply dissolve, but instead that energy flows to somewhere else - to those taking away the rights. Someone gets weaker, and someone else is getting stronger. That energy has flowed in their direction.

You could go on forever expanding on this issue but anyway that’s the bare bones of it.

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