Thursday 26 January 2023

Pfizer Degenerates

A pretty good reason to be slightly sceptical about the moral merits of Pfizer, where Project Veritas manage to film a Pfizer Director of Research and Development talks of Pfizer’s plans to, with their vaccines, keep ultra relevant to mutating Covid viruses by actually creating the mutated viruses themselves, and then of course producing their vaccine to deal with the mutated virus they created. Say what you like, it makes good economic sense. Obviously by now no one should be surprised at virtually anything, but it’s still a bit hard to get one’s head around the kind of pathetic, twisted freaks who could happily behave like this, and talk about it like it’s all very amusing. 
You can be certain every mainstream media outlet will be all over this. The headline story everywhere. For sure.
“But they’re the fake news!” you protest. “If they can get away with it, they’ll probably just completely ignore it!” 
That’s very harsh. On the whole, I’d consider the integrity of the mainstream media to he for example at least on a par with that of say, pharmaceutical giants, Pfizer.

Edit: It looks like YouTube have belatedly tried to shut down Project Veritas’ Pfizer psychopath exposure, and the above video seems now to be removed from the platform. This link connects to Project Veritas’ own site and this story:

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