Monday 23 July 2007

Paul Craig Roberts-More of

A whole host of articles from the man below, formerly at the heart of the Reagan administration, here. Some of his thoughts relating to the much mentioned 911 subject follow in the essay "Denouncing Inconvenient Facts as 'Conspiracy Theories'" :
"There is an inconsistency between the speed with which the WTC buildings collapsed and the "pancaking theory" used to explain the collapse. Another way of putting the problem is that there seems to be a massive energy deficit in the explanation that the buildings fell as a result of gravitational energy. There simply was not sufficient gravitational energy to produce the results.
For reporting a scientific finding, I was called a "conspiracy theorist." Only in America is scientific analysis seen as conspiracy theory and government lies as truth.
...The combination of oddities within 911 become inexplicable, a statistical impossibility.
Powerfully constructed buildings collapse when there is no source of the required energy to do the job. A large 757 hits the Pentagon but leaves a small hole, and there is no sign of wings, engines, tail or fuselage. Every air control and military procedure fails, and hijacked airliners are not intercepted by jet fighters. The alleged hijackers' names apparently are not on the passenger lists, and some of the alleged hijackers have been found alive and well in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Thomas R. Olmstead used the Freedom of Information Act to get a copy of the autopsy list of American Airlines flight 77, and he reports that there are no Arabic names on the list."

The one point on which I'd disagree with this noble soul is that it's not only in America that scientific analysis is seen as conspiracy theory and government lies as truth.

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