Saturday 16 June 2007

A Realist

A realist: Someone who insists that people behave as though a false version of reality were reality. The realist looks with condescension and contempt towards what he considers an idealist, or someone who would like people to behave as though reality were indeed reality. If ever the realist were infected by notions of living according to real reality, he prides himself on having overcome such notions, generally claiming to have done so in his late adolescence when he decided to live in what he describes as "the real world," ie the collective world of those who behave as though a false version of reality were reality.

The realist is convinced that since the lunatic asylum is the commonly agreed reality, then one must participate in its mind-games with a devout pride in one's mature attitude to life. An unwillingness to enter the mind games of the lunatic asylum is viewed as a childish avoidance of reality. A subversive might argue that the sanity of a human being will be at the very least tainted by playing the mind-games of the lunatic asylum, and may very likely end in such a person becoming convinced that the mind-games of the asylum, and indeed the asylum itself, are reality in its purest forms. A person in whom such delusions are extremely advanced may describe himself as "a politician" involved in "running the country." This particular class of mental defective, due to his having successfully coalesced his being with absolute belief in the lunatic asylum and an impressive degree of mastery of its reasoning, is often supported by lesser inmates of the asylum who find solace in the identity of their selves with this more advanced lunatic. A group of these higher lunatics may in turn identify their imagined selves with a collective imagined self called "a party."

And from there we are led in the direction of the much greater collective imagined self called a state or nation. Many unfortunate beings sublimate their sense of themselves within this imaginary entity- the State, and this psychological self-immolation before an imagined entity is sanctified under the description patriotism. This surrender of self to an imaginary entity would seem to be both an effort to satisfy an unfulfilled will to power through the apparent achievements of the State, and a misguided effort at self-transcendence. The politicians and their parties can be said to be a breed of parasite which lives off this mental projection of a collective deluded mind.


Anonymous said...

All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia.

Anonymous said...

that pretty much describes my experience of temping for three years, surrounded by fools who think mindless minimum wage drudgery is 'the real world' and reading books or watching good films is contemptible 'escapism'. i prefer to call it 'the banal world' or 'the false world', or 'The Matrix'.

Jonathan said...

I particularly liked this part:

"This surrender of self to an imaginary entity would seem to be both an effort to satisfy an unfulfilled will to power through the apparent achievements of the State, and a misguided effort at self-transcendence."

I would suspect reality lies somewhere between the fake lunatic asylum reality of the sheep of the world, and the somewhat proud, potentially solipsistic perspective of the outsider.

But that is grounds good enough for the outsiders to resist the ambitions of the herd...

Andrew said...

True, Jonathon. Very easy to end up justifying a kind of kingdom of oneself but the piece is kind of intentionaly dry & the lunatic asylum, though I didn't really flesh it out, is more the notion of having to take a serious stance towards the world of politicians than a reference to the ordinary meat & drink of everyday life. I think the thought of the asylum sprung from being unwilling to get involved in a recent discussion about the validity of a nuclear defence system for argument being that it is defiling to pretend to a position of truth within a world of lies. But I'm not dealing with this kind of absloute in terms of working for a living, for example.