Monday 25 June 2007

Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship

Interesting article here


Anonymous said...

don't worry, the Germans will save us. They try to pretend to be jolly leather-clad figures of fun (like the Nazi in Saving Private Ryan "I love Clark Gable!"), but they will take over and stop all this EU nonsense, probably conquer us all and take us to war against the Americans.

Neil Forsyth said...

Scaremongering. We don't forget that quickly.

Andrew said...

We forget very quickly, I think, Neil. Mainstream culture is about nothing but inducing docile states of mind. I din't pay much attention to it at the time but remember that controversial historian David Irving who was given quite a 3 year sentence for holocaust denial even though in the trial he admitted his eariler claims were wrong regarding the absence of gas chambers in Auschwitz. I felt no sympathy at the time, but thinking of it in hindsight, this is being jailed for a thought-crime that one committed years earlier- if we can talk of having committed thought crimes- & as said, the thinker of the crime having repented of the thought. This level of power from people calling themselves the state is pretty formidable. And just as a snapshot, do you think the millions around Europe in zombieified states watching garbage are in any position to stand up for their freedoms, or even have any notion as to what freedom of being might actually mean?

Andrew said...

I just mentioned Irving, not in sympathy but cos thought control, political correctness one of the topics mentioned by Bukovsky in the link.

Neil Forsyth said...

You have a point. I do worry sometimes. Let's watch it carefully.