Monday 21 November 2022

At the Core of the Passions

The passions are the different temptations which become embedded through regular succumbing into the various powerful addictions - drink, drugs, gambling, it could be playing video games, which can be taken to very destructive levels, and today obviously the real global pandemic of porn (and which the world, by comparison with another “pandemic”,  rather than frantically trying to shut down, essentially actively fosters), and so on. And what is the common effect on the person in the midst of his or her addiction that unites all these destructive passions? Selfishness. While in its grip, the addiction completely encloses the person within it, shuts out everyone and everything else as irrelevant, so this is the spiritual core or inner essence of the passions. So a world dominated by passions would be a world of mutual isolation, of people united by their spiritual isolation from each other! Maybe everyone would be wearing headphones.

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