Saturday 25 June 2022


Why is something wrong, say intellectually? Because it contradicts what us right. This is very obvious in mathematics which of course rests on the foundation of truth. Thus 3+3=6, not 7. Relativism is the exact inversion of truth where all answers are valid, it’s so inclusive, and here the genuine truth is actually the problem as it doesn’t allow all these other “truths”, such as 3+3=7, to be true. Instead actual truth is now the bigoted oppressor of inclusivity and tolerance. We even have Bill Gates apparently funding the pushing of the idea that mathematics is racist, which is a perfect illustration of this spirit - truth is the problem and must be dethroned.

The devil is said to be “the ape of God” who has no creativity in himself, but instead imitates, distorts and inverts truth. And basically this is exactly the nature of relativism, which could be considered the spirit of “the world.” And the only answer to lies is truth. I saw a story a few days ago where a man in his 60s in Scotland was turned away from donating blood because he refused to answer whether he was pregnant. He refused to degrade himself by dwelling within the domain of lies, whereas to the relativist ideology, wokeism, he shows himself to be an intolerant bigot because he insisted on truth which doesn’t allow for the false to be true. So as said above, this is the exact inversion of truth where truth is the problem because it doesn’t allow the false to be true.

And so relativism, when pushed along a bit towards its implications and conclusions, is essentially the dethroning of truth and exaltation of falseness.

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