Wednesday 16 October 2024

2 figures

 Not that I’m too fond of it, but here it is.

Monday 14 October 2024

trying to sort


 Something out of which messy initial state I’ve at least been trying to see if I could sort out and turn  into a proper piece.

Sunday 13 October 2024

iron out

 Something quick  I came out with earlier, and which I’m now trying to iron out into . . . whatever.

Saturday 12 October 2024


 A generally reliable insider, embedded within the very guts of the entertainment industrial complex, has revealed that the Corporate Whore franchise has begun working on a new series, a perhaps more cerebral affair than we are used to, and appealing perhaps more to the intellectuals amongst us, titled: Corporate Whores Embark on a Career in Journalism and Discover that the Far Right is Everywhere. 

Tuesday 8 October 2024


 “There was this radio, and however it happened it was endowed with or attained self-consciousness.”
“That sounds amazing.”
“Maybe so, but the interesting thing was, whatever station it would be tuned to, it would immediately be convinced the thoughts uttered there were its own. If, hypothetically speaking, someone for instance tried to explain to the radio that it was merely the medium by which these utterances were being transmitted, this for it would have been an incomprehensible notion. ‘These are my thoughts, and that’s all there is to it,’ it would more or less have responded.’”

Sunday 6 October 2024

Secret Army

 I recently watched on YouTube the Colditz tv series from the early 1970s, based on, at least somewhat, the book of that name by P.R. Reid, centred on the Colditz prisoner of war camp during World War Two, specifically used to house Allied military, particularly given to escaping from prisoner of war camps! As said, it is an excellent series, and especially brilliant and sensitive is the performance of an actor Bernard Hepton, who plays the German commandant in charge of Colditz. 

Well, in the back of that and some viewwpers’ comments, I checked out another series from the same BBC production team (back when the BBC could better justify its existence) called Secret Army, based again, at least loosely on truth, and this time focused on a Belgian resistance movement in that war, helping return Allied airmen to the United Kingdom. The fact that Bernard Hepton again is central meant it was at least worth checking out, and allowing it some leeway for a pretty humble budget and minor flaws, I thought overall it was really superb and addictive. The final series of three, is like Colditz, a bit of a diminishing in standards, especially with the sidelining of Bernard Hepton due to other acting commitments, but anyway, below is a link to the series. 

Though dating to the late 1970s, it seems to be a surprisingly active target for the copyright police on YouTube, so this is the means I thankfully found to watch the series: 

Secret Army

Thursday 3 October 2024

Valerius de Saedeleer


A couple of paintings by a Belgian artist I’ve only just come across.

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Tuesday 1 October 2024


“You know what I thought the best thing was about Covid?”
“How it brought us all together?”
“No. The vaccines.”
“They were the ones that didn’t stop you getting Covid?”
“Yeah. I thought they were great.”

Monday 30 September 2024

Sort into

 Something from last night I’m trying to sort into a satisfactory state - which is easier said than done.

Thursday 26 September 2024

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Manuka Honey

“If you were stranded on a desert island and the only thing you had to survive on was jars of manuka honey, what would you do?”
“What would I do?”
“Yeah. Anyway what I’d do is I’d eat the manuka honey and then I’d make a boat out of the empty jars, and then I’d head off back to civilisation.”
“You’re very resourceful.”
“I am I suppose. I always have been.”

Good or bad

Good or bad, something quick I did.

Friday 20 September 2024


 “If the sun exploded, what would you do about it?”
“What would I do about it?”
“Yeah, what would you do to fix it?”
“To fix it!? Who the hell do you think I am?! What the hell could I do to fix it?!”
“That’s a very defeatist attitude, if you don’t mind my saying so. Whatever the situation, there’s always something we can do.”
“I think whatever culture you’ve been immersing yourself in has infused you with some very strange notions.”

More Dialogue

The dialogue from another scene from the screenplay I’m writing below. To emphasise this is for an as yet unmade film.

“The man’s a bloody fool if you ask me”
“A fool? Nobody - man or woman - in this college knows more about thermodynamics than he does.”
“But what does he know about 19th century French poetry?”
“I don’t know if he knows anything about it.”
“And that is my point exactly.”
“Yes. I see what you mean.”

Thursday 19 September 2024

garden, late


wall, sky


The entertainment industrial complex of course never sleeps and word of the newest projected Corporate Whore outpouring has just surfaced, which has a working title of Corporate Whores Attain Nirvana.

Wednesday 18 September 2024


 I’ve been writing a screenplay for an as yet unmade film, and below is an extract from one of the key scenes:

“The whole damn thing is oxidised!”
“Oxidised?! Are you sure?”
“Look at it!”
“How the devil did that happen?!”
“How the bloody hell should I know!”

It’s quite an intense exchange.

Tuesday 17 September 2024


A man was invited to a party, and so there he went bringing with him a really excellent wine. Upon arriving he was greeted and was asked to pour the wine into a bucket along with all the wines other guests had brought along also. However he shocked everyone by declining, and so he instead he left.

Monday 16 September 2024



I don’t know whether I’ll leave this quick piece as is or add it to it - and take the chance of ruining it - but here it is anyway.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Saturday 14 September 2024


“If you knew for certain you were about to die in the next couple of minutes, would you give your allegiance to God or to the world?”
“Oh the world of course. I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of the world.”



I suppose something of a throwaway exercise with colour.

Thursday 12 September 2024


 Musical news, and Countercultural Icons of Humanity have a new song recorded and primed for global release: Until Donald Trump Came Along All Politicians Were Pure and Beautiful (If the System Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It).
The b side is Taking Down the System.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Phrase (Or Expression)

“Do you have a favourite phrase or expression? I’ll tell you my one.”
“Your favourite phrase?”
“Or expression.”
“Go on.”
“‘It’s my way or the highway.’”
“You like that one?”
“It speaks to me.”
“Do you use it often?”
“On average, several times a day.”
“Good man.”
“The more I use it the more I like it.”

Tuesday 10 September 2024


“You know what I think about rules? Rules are there to be broken.”
“Are you sure? I thought the whole point of rules is that they’re not broken. They might as well not be there at all if they’re there to be broken.”
“Oh. I didn’t think of that.”

Monday 9 September 2024


I’m not sure how much credence to afford rumours that have just emerged from the entertainment industrial complex, but people are saying - and not just any people - that the next emanation from the Corporate Whore franchise will be a series titled Corporate Whores Dissolve into the Mists of Eternity.

The idea of anyone, and particularly corporate whores in the entertainment industry, wishing to leave this heavenly realm and dissolve into some eternal mists does strike a jarring note, and so I believe it is wise to be sceptical about the truth of this alleged series until it does achieve tangible and undeniable form in this real world.

Friday 6 September 2024


“Imagine if you didn’t think or know that clothes could be washed.”
“What do you mean?”
“What kind of a state would they end up in?”

Thursday 5 September 2024

Sumi-e a and b


This is a very light Japanese paper, and so if the ink is on quite dense, it comes through on the reverse of the paper, and so sometimes I end up then working on the reverse side with maybe some pastel, more ink or whatever. The reverse side may be easier to work with but then one can also end up with going from one side to the other and not knowing which one I prefer or is worth more focusing on!
Maybe a more interesting or more striking example of this below:

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Betrayal, Sherpas

[A re-posting and slight refining of an earlier piece, whose resonance if anything continues to grow as to the dangers posed to the free world and democracy by destabilising and extremist forces increase daily.]

A rare slice of disappointing news from the entertainment industrial complex where upcoming series Corporate Whores Piggyback Up Mount Everest has been shelved for now due to resistance from what the show’s producers believe to be native far-right elements. The show is built around the concept of some of our favourite corporate whores heroically ascending Mount Everest atop the shoulders of local Sherpa guides, each whore bravely carrying a rainbow flag, all of which are to be planted in the shape of an inverted pentagram at the summit of the mountain. 

All was going as planned until the guides began to complain of extreme fatigue and the impossibility of continuing on in this manner up the justifiably famous slopes. To the astonishment of the tv crew, the Sherpas requested the corporate whores do some of the climbing on their own steam, as it were, but this would of course have defeated the whole concept of the programme.

Whatever the precise nature of the extremist politics provoking them however, the fascist guides (we’ll agree to call them fascist) simply wouldn’t listen to reason, and in an unparalleled act of betrayal of the most basic laws of entertainment, they dumped the living icons in the snow and ruthlessly set off back down the mountain. We needn’t mention the risk to life the unhinged guides caused to the crew, but we are at least able to relate that no lives were lost after the crew were successfully airlifted from the slopes over the following half hour. They may have been traumatised, but at least they were safe.

Barack Obama offered ‘to pull some strings’ so as to sanction a series of drone strikes on the relevant Sherpas’ villages, both as an act of justifiable retaliation but also so as to show the world we will not bow down to the extremists. It is not yet known however whether this has yet been acted upon or not.

As something of an aside, Woke Pope Francis is said to be very eager for the show to be completed and broadcast, thus providing much needed solace to suffering humanity in the long winter nights ahead.


“If you fall into a domain of thieves, you should probably expect to be robbed, not that you’ll become their master.”
“Speak for yourself.”
“I will.”

Tuesday 3 September 2024


“Is it possible to be relevant without in truth being deeply irrelevant.”
“I don’t know. What do you mean?”
“It would take too long to explain. Though if I put relevant in inverted commas, it might make things a little clearer. I could maybe say, ‘To be “relevant” is to be irrelevant.’”



Something I might or might not manage to sort out into a finished piece.