Thursday 17 December 2020

Revolutionary Act

 Okay, time for today’s revolutionary act. Revolutionary? Am I going to take down the system with my bare hands? No, I’m just going to do a bit of writing and we’ll see where it goes. It mightn’t go anywhere... well it’s bound to go somewhere but maybe that somewhere won’t be anywhere particularly revolutionary. Maybe I’ll even make a few snide remarks about people seen as revolutionaries but who really haven’t a thought of their own in their heads. Regardless, whatever I write, I’m setting things into motion, the energy of myself, and think about it, a planet revolves around a sun, that’s revolutionary, it doesn’t have to be smashing into things as it’s doing so. It can all even be very elegant. For some people though that’s probably exactly what they have to do, that and no more, to see themselves as revolutionary, at the cutting edge - smash into things and do it with as much noise as possible. 

You could say I’ve gone off on a tangent, but when this whole thing is as it were a tangent, without any beginning but to write and see where it goes, then that mightn’t be a fair criticism. Though maybe it is. Maybe there should be some clear and unifying element, a solid theme, and looking back I did start off with the mention of being revolutionary, and perhaps despite myself I am somehow circling around and within that theme. I might have to pause to consider the point. Okay, a few seconds of considering and perhaps this very freedom of movement in this kind of writing is all very revolutionary, not a slave to some thought, my own or someone else’s. I could even subtly allude to the freedom of movement in the physical sense that has suffered greatly this past year, and how favourably this creativity comparatively compares. I might even be beginning to verge on dangerous territories here. And never mind freedom of physical movement, there’s people out there making great strides these days in even denying us this internal freedom of movement, to think certain thoughts and give utterance to them - and a very rapidly widening range of thoughts at that. The very people posing as liberal, concerned with liberty, shutting liberty down. I’m getting all serious and specific,and perhaps boring, but anyway, that brings to mind a thought I’ve read somewhere about the devil or the energies embodies within that concept if preferred - that there is no creativity within him, all he can do is parody. 

I’m not quite happy with where this went but it’s had time enough of my time, and so I’ll unashamedly, allegedly anyway, post it!

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