Saturday 1 November 2008

Spirals Good and Bad

Genuine healthiness and sanity of mind is a virtuous spiral extending outwards- rather than a circle of fixed diameter, while unhealthiness and insanity of mind is a vicious spiral narrowing inwards. The spiral inwards contracts ultimately to an insupportable point of concentration, while the spiral outwards is infinite. And so, on a simple intellectual level is seen the truth of an opened mind and love and the falseness of ignorance and hatred. One leads to greater and greater reality, the other to a finite point and self-annihilating unreality.

An inevitable metaphysical question then becomes how long this concentration, which is the existence of evil, can be sustained. Can it be infinitely extended, just this terror-stricken side of total annihilation? Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that it doesn't exist within infinity. That is the very reason it 'exists', or sustains the illusion of itself. It can only exist within the temporal domain.
And so maybe the troubling answer is evil will exist as long as time exists- which isn't as absolute a statement as might seem to those who imagine time and reality are inseparable. It is outside of this matrix that one experiences the living answer. But the man trapped within the matrix, again as with the 'paradoxes' lately discussed, imagines there is no truth outside the matrix.
An interesting line from the Book of Revelations goes:

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

To leave the matter in suspension, it is perhaps an insoluble question as to whether intentional evil exists as long as time exists, or whether it has a finite duration within the temporal. And the question also would need specifying, as in the above quote what is referred to is the conscious union of men specifically devoted to the 'good' of evil, or ego worshippers, such as these men of worldly power. In any case, the idea of a Manichaean struggle between good and bad, light and dark, is ultimately a bit of a non-starter, as how can unreality battle reality, which is what this can be genuinely reduced to on an mental level. What is it unreality or insanity could win, even if it could win, but itself? But even that, pushed to its logical destination, must be lost.

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