Thursday 21 August 2008

Soul Discovery

Scientists are claiming to have located the precise location of the mythical philosophical entity known as "the soul," which they say they discovered while investigating a hitherto scantly explored region of the brain near the right ear. This discovery proves that the soul doesn't exist, said the scientists.


Tony Francis said...

Would that area of the brain be anywhere close to another part of brain reported a few years ago? That part where the scientists could tell if we are homosexuals? This is a bold, exhilarating claim by the scientists. It should change everything. But until they can tell us how many neurons can dance on the head of the "self", I'm not buying it. Call be old fashioned.

Anonymous said...

I think the scientists describe the area as being in similar terrain to the part you mention, though a little more hilly.

Judith Fitzgerald said...

Twenty-seven angels can dance on the head of a pin. I know this with my whole self from the very depths of my soul.

BTW, Tony, I came across an interesting advertisement that I thought suited you to a "T"; but, I might be wrong. You are such a polymath; and, there are many categories that you could easily ace:


I would happily write a letter of ref for you if you need one. You can contact me for one, if you like: . . .

There you go; with a mind like yours, you'd be a credit to this enterprise. And, I just learned you are a blond/redhead and me? I am a more-strawberry / some-blonde five-footer who's letting her hair grow long forever, now.

BUT? No wonder we got along.

Andrew, I still think the Blues Brothers did the best version of "Soul Man" EVER. It's joyous and it's available on YouTube, FYI.

L8R, Sweet Smart Taters . . .

Lady Godiva [*blink*]

Tony Francis said...

Dear Cogito: My mother used to love All My Children. The old Carly was the best... a kind of a real tramp. The newer ones have been too lady-like for my tastes.

Judith Fitzgerald said...

Sad to say I've never seen the show, Tony. But, happy to know too lady-like ain't your taste. Mine, neither. Actually thought you'd be great for some of the other categories on the list, especially "Law School," since I think you mentioned you work in the field and went to one. There were others (though, I won't mention them since I might be wrong; but, you're such a good researcher and you give away so much time so freely, I thought you should consider this for the simply reason you're paid for it).

And, I bet dollars to soulsights you'd also know quite a lot about OCD. I do, too much for my own good, having discovered after I married the guy he was a classic in that department. Not the only reason I divorced him, though. More than you needed to know; but, the sad part is, he kept it well-controlled until after we did the deed and then? Here I am, a Catholic who can't remarry because I am a Catholic and I cannot have the marriage annulled because it's too much trouble and I haven't found anyone worth going to that length *anyway* . . .

Now, if I could find a man who didn't have his momma's apron strings dripping from his bifocals, who didn't wanna know how much my house would fetch on the market, who didn't wanna drive MY truck, and who liked dogs and me, not necessarily in that order, and oh, yeah, who loved sexitude; then, I'd reconsider; but, the closest I've come is NOT even worth rementioning. I am thinking of starting a blog for dames like me; you know, dames who would just ONCE like to meet a man who isn't intimidated nor financially motivated nor vehicularly challenged. How about just a guy who's looking for a good clean pedigreed FUN!

Right. I know. Bzzzzrrrrrtttt!

Judith Fitzgerald said...

Pfft! Last time I try to be a tramp for you guyz :). Truth is, before my S.O. (from FL) sees this (the way he saw Burnsy's allegations and saw red), I was just trying my best to be as real a tramp as possible; and, well, maybe it's not so bad I failed; but, I succeeded in *something* and someday, I will out-figure exactly what. LOL.

I was thinking, always a dangerous proposition; but, if this worked, I could maybe write a chapbook about Ladies and Tramps. Thanks for not playing, Kids :). Back to the serial stuff, coming soon to lady-like bookstores near you!

CONFIDENTIAL 2 DRES: Honest, I swear, it was a joke that obviously went over like a lead-weather balloon. B NC N FRGV N I WL GV U 1 GR8 GLJB :))))))))


[*beam*] Jf/ox

Tony Francis said...

For OCD, first generation tricyclic antidepressants work, sometimes. Like Elavil. A blog for dames with a tale of woe. That sounds original.

Judith Fitzgerald said...

Oh, Tony, he tried 'em all over the years and ultimately, he was declared incurable. (Anaphranil, Elavil, SSRIs, tranks, the works.) His OCD was but one of the more obvious manifestations of what turned out to be NPD, an incredible case of same. I no longer communicate with him (and, as you know, communication with such a one's impossible, anyway). Thought you'd know, though; you seem to know *everything* worth knowing, a fact I admire about you very much. You're such a truth seeker, such a curiosity-satisfier, and a good soul (I've discovered). Just FYI, NPR had an interesting piece on OCD earlier this year and it brought back memories I'd not really wanted to recall; but, there it is:

Yeah, go on, Tonionio, make fun of my tale of woe which is not a normal one, not by a long thought. It isn't even woe, in fact; it's a kind of wistfulness, I guess. Imagine being moi, being a successful poet with thirty books, a bunch of awards and prizes, a not-bad bod, a pretty sharp mind, and a heart as big as tomorrow. Too pragmatic and practical in too many ways, paradoxically, and I think you know what that means.

My imaginary blog would have been for women who intimidate men and lose so much love in the process. Not tales of woe, rather, ploys for joys. Big diff. I am not complaining about my own situation; but, just once before I quit this planet, I'd like to be loved for who I am, not what I do, own, or how I perform. I care deeply for my S.O., of course; but, are we in love? Who knows? I do know we will never be together in the same residence because he doesn't believe the most beautiful word in the English language is intimacy; and, well, I do. We're fairly fine; but, it's not the end of the line. Isn't that the same for anyone with a heart and soul? If I stop believing in the possibility, I succumb to the cynicism and gawddarnit, ain't gonna happen. Ergo, my motto: Better, never bitter; I ain't a human quitter.

The good news? Frank's home! I can stop bothering you over here, now :).

L8R, Yer Fave Tramp-in-Training, LOL.

Tony Francis said...

I can think of one thing: You can sure pick 'em.

Judith Fitzgerald said...

You got that right, Tony. Kinda. Truth is, they sure know how to find me. Why do you think I think FL is close enough to be in torch? Rhetorical, rhetorical . . .

Well, here we are, Mr. Francis, trapped in the delicious doom of the unforgettable one-night room.

There is no why not.

Tony Francis said...

Florida probably means "florid" - of Flor-i-daaaaaah!

Judith Fitzgerald said...

Uh-oh, Tono, I don't think you wanna know what Kansas means, d'ya?

Aw, you prolly already know, seeing as how you're the consummate K-I-A, at least in my books.

Florid, though? Nope, he ain't; he's positively the opposite; but, interestingly, you and he share the same love of classical composers and musicians who interpret same (right down to your pure Gould predelictions).

Bet Dion Per Sona would have a good limerick about this thread-drift by now :). Miss that touch big much.